The wreck of Sir Ernest Shackleton's ship, Endurance, has been found almost 10,000 feet down in the ocean. The lost ship of Ernest Shackleton has been found over a century after it sank. In 1915, the Endurance was trapped by pack ice and had to make a dramatic escape. The wooden vessel has been found and is almost intact, said Mensun Bound, the director of exploration at the Falklands Maritime Heritage Trust. Bound told NBC News that the ship's name could still be seen across the stern. He said it was beautiful. He said that he had never seen a wreck as beautiful as this one. Dan Snow, a British historian whose content platform History Hit collaborated with the expedition team to document the discovery, said that the cold temperatures of the Weddell Sea would have been important in preserving the ship. It is very cold. He said it was probably just below zero. He said there were no wood-eating microbes and the vessel was damaged. The discovery of the ship comes 100 years after the death of Shackleton. The first land crossing of Antarctica was set out to be achieved by the Imperial Trans-Antarctic expedition. Shortly after the outbreak of World War I, the explorer embarked on his journey with his crew. He offered to cancel the voyage and put his ship at the disposal of the British government, but he was directed by the head of the U.K.'s Royal Navy to proceed. The Endurance became trapped in pack ice and did not reach land. The men were stuck in the ice for 10 months and had to abandon the ship. They escaped on foot. The coordinates were marked by Capt. Frank Worsley. The discovery of the vessel was aided by these. The ship was located at a depth of almost 10,000 feet in the Weddell Sea, and it was found within the area the team had initially set on. The discovery was made weeks after the expedition began. While it is being surveyed and filmed, the wreck will be protected as a historic site and monument. The trust had previously stated that it was to bring the story of Shackleton, his ship and the members of his team to new and younger audiences. The discovery of the ship presents a new opportunity for people to revisit the whole Shackleton saga. The wreck of Ernest Shackleton's ship, the Endurance, has been found in 10,000 feet of icy water, a century after it was swallowed up by ice during one of the most heroic expeditions in history. A team of marine archaeologists, engineers and other scientists used a ship and underwater drones to locate a wreck at the bottom of the Weddell Sea. The discovery was announced on Wednesday by the Falklands Maritime Heritage Trust. The wreck of the explorer Ernest Shackleton's ship Endurance has been found more than 100 years after it sank. Large-scale battles are realistic. The most famous battles of the war. Become a pilot, crew leader or infantry squad commander. Mensun Bound is a marine archaeologist. One of the most famous wrecks in history has been filmed. The ship, which was sunk by Ernest Shackleton more than a century ago, has been found. Tina Kraus has a story from London. The most significant car to ever hit the American sales floor could be yours. Valeriy and Halyna used to work at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and had to leave their home in Pripyat because of the worst nuclear accident in history. The Chernobyl nuclear power plant has been in Russian hands since last week, when a fire broke out in a building. The radiation would spread all over Europe. If any of the nuclear power plants in the area are damaged, it will be the Japanese plant. After introducing new products at an event Tuesday, Apple began selling the Thunderbolt 4 Pro Cable for $129 and $159. The voice of the people comments on local issues like Buddy Carter and Brian Kemp. The federal dollars will stay in Rhode Island and be used to distribute boxes of fresh food. 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