A group of baby mice were born without a father after scientists hacked a mouse's genes.

This isn't a story from a Bible. Parthenogenesis is a term used to describe reproduction from unfertilized eggs.

A group of researchers were able to alter the genes of unfertilized mice embryos so that they could create offspring without male sperm.

Female mice gave birth to litters after the team transferred the embryos. The scientists successfully raised one of the parthenogenetic mice to adulthood, and the creature reproduced with another mouse to create more offspring.

The Offspring

Some species of salamanders and Frogs can reproduce without males, which is similar to what happened in the movie "Jurassic Park".

There are no known instances of the phenomenon occurring with mammals in the wild. The scientists hope that work can be used to create new infertility treatments, as well as opportunities in agriculture, research, and medicine.

This is still new research and you should keep that in mind. The team was able to raise one of the mice to adulthood. They don't fully understand how the gene hacking might have affected the baby mice.

It offers a pretty cool step forward in the research of parthenogenesis and its potential for human virgin births.

There are more on biblical miracles.

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