Progressives have claimed that the parental rights bill is anti-gay. There is no discussion of the actual contents of the bill. The bill, officially named Parental Rights in Education, prohibits school employees or third parties from giving classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through third grade. There is a report on the education bill in a press conference. The bill, which passed the state Senate Tuesday after passing the House last month, has been dubbed the "Don't Say Gay" bill by Democrats who claim it prevents discussion of being gay in the state's schools. President Biden referred to the bill as a "hateful bill" in a statement last month. The governor lambasted the reporter for saying "Don't Say Gay" at the press conference. It is why people don't trust people like you because you peddle false narratives. The governor said that parents would be able to send their child to kindergarten without having some of the stuff in the curriculum. Pushaw fired back at the AP reporter. She asked what the bill's real name was. Are AP reporters expected to read legislation before writing about it? The Parental Rights in Education bill was read by Fox News Digital. The bill does something. The right of parents to make decisions regarding the upbringing and control of their children in a specified manner is required by the requirement. It does not allow discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity with children in third grade or younger, or in a manner that is not appropriate for students in accordance with state standards. If there is a change in the student's services or monitoring related to the student's mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being, the school must notify the student's parent. It does not allow schools to force a student to give up information to a parent. It requires school districts to inform parents of each health care service offered at their student's school, as well as the option to decline any specific service. It requires that parents be allowed to see their child's educational or health records. It requires the school to get parental permission before giving a health screening to students in kindergarten through third grade. It requires schools to respond to a parent's concerns within seven days of being notified, and the school must resolve those concerns within 30 days. If the issue isn't resolved, parents can file a lawsuit against the school district or request the state Commissioner of Education to appoint a special magistrate to try to find a solution. The bill does not do anything. The word "gay" is not banned in school settings. Sexual orientation and gender identity can be discussed in the classroom. It doesn't require schools to inform parents if their child comes out as gay. It does not require schools to inform parents of the student's mental, emotional, or physical well-being if a reasonable person would believe that disclosure would result in abuse, abandonment, or neglect. Gauff, a Florida native, is against the Don't Say Gay bill. Andy Cohen is known for his gossip but he is also involved in politics. Few know that Amazon has millions of Prime subscribers. What a perspective. The Proud Boys launched a nationwide search for real men days before the new year. An 11-year-old boy traveled more than 600 miles to Slovakia after Russian invaded his country. Comparison photos are fun to look at. It can show the transformation that someone has undergone. A federal judge on Wednesday dismissed civil claims against a Republican congressman, saying his speech to a crowd was constitutionally protected. Eric Swalwell, a Democrat in the House of Representatives, filed a lawsuit against Trump and his allies, accusing them of encouraging the crowd to storm the Capitol. A Putin ally is believed to have funded the Russian militia group. According to reports, its mercenaries were ordered to kill the president of Ukraine. District Judge Amy Totenberg was always worried that bad-faith actors would use the report on voting machine vulnerabilities to cast doubt on the election. The magnate demanded a copy of the voting machine analysis that purports to show how a certain kind of ballot machine can be hacked. The report was written by a computer security expert. You can speak in 43 languages with this invention. Should he have taken the shot himself or passed in crunch time? A photo of a dead family is in the New York Times. It is horrifying. Russia banned independent reporting, so it's important. According to TikTokers, performing certain routines on a stepping machine can help you build up your muscles. A rare event not seen in 48 years has opened the door to an investment opportunity that could rival some of the best performing stocks in history. Israel says the intercept took place before the drones entered the country. They were shot down over the airspace of at least one other country. Miller argued that the request for his phone records was excessive because his account is linked to a family phone plan. We have tons of evidence that the Russia army doesn't bomb civilians, and that's what Butina said. Which branch has the power to change congressional maps? What extent can state or federal courts limit the drawing of congressional districts? Future elections and voting rights in America are at stake. The Supreme Court decided not to answer it at the moment. The justices suggested on March 7, 2022, that the question will be answered sooner rather than later. They traveled 64 miles in a circle. Property tax relief for homeowners and renters was one of the highlights of the budget presented by New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy. Meg Baker of CBS2 has an analysis of the Republicans response. In a special episode of The Envelope, Moore explains why Rebecca's choice made her so nervous and teases what's coming in the series finale. The menu tries to recreate dishes from around the world. A World Bank official said on Tuesday that high oil prices could cut a percentage point off the growth of large oil-importing developing economies. Indermit Gill, the bank's Vice President for Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions, said in a post that the war will deal further setbacks to growth for emerging markets already lagging in recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and struggling with a range of uncertainties.Fox News
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