According to research published by Mandiant on Tuesday, at least six U.S. state governments were compromised by a Chinese state-sponsored hacking group.
According to Mandiant, the group used vulnerabilities in web applications to get into state government networks.
According to Mandiant, the company that carries out state-sponsored espionage on behalf of Beijing, it took advantage of software flaws and quickly exploited security vulnerabilities that were made public by researchers. It said that the hackers adapted their tools to attack.
The recent activity against U.S. state governments consists of new attack techniques and tools.
APT41 can quickly adapt their initial access techniques by re-compromising an environment, or by rapidly operationalizing a fresh vulnerability.
The company behind Tuesday's research is based in the US.
The company published research last year that builds on other reports on the group, which they have previously identified as a Chinese state-sponsored cyberthreat group.
When contacted by CNBC, China's embassy in the U.K. was not available for comment. China has always denied that it engages in espionage.
In September 2020, the U.S. Department of Justice indicted five Chinese nationals, including some it said were part of the group, for their involvement in a computer intrusions affecting over 100 victim companies in the U.S. and abroad.
By the indictment and its goals remain unknown, Mandiant said Tuesday.
Overall goals of the campaign are unknown. Their persistence to gain access into government networks, exemplified by re-compromising previous victims and targeting multiple agencies within the same state, shows that whatever they are after is important. The researchers said that they had found them everywhere.
The FBI Director accused the Chinese government of trying to steal information and technology.
Last year, the U.S., European Union, NATO and other allies blamed China for a massive cyberattack on Microsoft Exchange email server.
China's foreign ministry denied that China was behind the Microsoft Exchange attack.
China will not encourage, support or condone any cyberattacks, according to the July statement.