Image: Instagram

New options on the photo-sharing website can show more detail about a person. Enhanced tags will show the roles of collaborators, like photographers, artists, writers and others, who work on content but aren't immediately visible unless mentioned by a post's creator.

The company acknowledged that a lot of work goes into creating the content users see on the app.

For many Black and underrepresented creators, crediting is an entryway to building a sustainable career as a creator, while fighting cultural appropriation and ensuring the world knows who is driving culture.

The feature will be used to highlight behind-the-scenes creators who go unrecognized or unacknowledged.

Some creators have already made a habit of using the enhanced tags. Several people have found ways to be credited for their work. Some users have roles in the caption of posts and others have handles on the photo or video posted.

Contributors can be tagged when uploading content by using the show profile category.