Neural networks are good at creating art that is ripped from the pages of a novel.

There is a frightening video from the YouTube channel Artificial Nightmares that shows clown-inspired terror fuel generated by a neural network. If you don't mind staying up tonight and every other night for the rest of your life, you should watch it.

Neural Nightmare

The video shows how neural networks can dream up images like clowns, which they have been trained on, in order to approximate real-life images. According to the description of the video, the images were generated using three machine learning algorithms: VQGAN, CLIP, and Rife-RealESRGAN.

The result? A bunch of ghoul clowns are like the ones in Stephen King's novel.

Neural networks have gotten more sophisticated over the years. It is interesting that many of these networks can generate horrifying images using everything from Simpsons characters to pornography, and raises the provocative question of how much of the media we consume will come to be generated.

Neural networks create demonic Simpsons Characters.

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