Astronomers discover largest molecule yet in a planet-forming disc
This composite image features an artistic impression of the planet-forming disc around the IRS 48 star, also known as Oph-IRS 48. The disc contains a cashew-nut-shaped region in its southern part, which traps millimetre-sized dust grains that can come together and grow into kilometre-sized objects like comets, asteroids and potentially even planets. Recent observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) spotted several complex organic molecules in this region, including dimethyl ether, the largest molecule found in a planet-forming disc to date. The emission signaling the presence of this molecule (real observations shown in blue) is clearly stronger in the disc's dust trap. A model of the molecule is also shown in this composite. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada, ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)/A. Pohl, van der Marel et al., Brunken et al.

The first ever detection of dimethyl ether in a planet-forming disc was made using the ALMA in Chile. This molecule is the largest molecule to date. It can lead to the emergence of life.

We can learn more about the origin of life on our planet and get a better idea of the potential for life in other planetary systems from these results. Nashanty Brunken is the lead author of the study that was published today in Astronomy and Astrophysics.

Dimethyl ether has been seen in star-forming clouds, but has never before been found in a planet-forming disc. The researchers made a tentative detection of a molecule that is a building block for larger organic compounds.

It is great to finally detect these larger molecule in discs. Co-author Alice Booth says they thought it might not be possible to observe them for a while.

ALMA, an observatory co-owned by the European Southern Observatory, helped find the molecule in the planet-forming disc around the young star IRS 48. IRS 48, located 444 light-years away in the constellation Ophiuchus, has been the subject of numerous studies because of its asymmetric disc. This region, which formed as a result of a newly born planet or small companion star located between the star and the dust trap, retains large numbers of millimetre-sized dust grains that can come together and grow into kilometre-sized objects like comets, asteroids and potentially even planets

This artist’s rendering shows the planet-forming disc around the IRS 48 star, also known as Oph-IRS 48. This disc includes a region in its southern part that traps millimetre-sized dust grains that can come together and grow into kilometre-sized objects like comets, asteroids and potentially even planets. This "dust trap" is also an ice reservoir, with layers of ice, rich in complex molecules, gathering around the dust grains. Heating from the IRS 48 star is able to sublimate the ice into gas, freeing the trapped molecules and making them detectable. The animation at the end shows two of the molecules detected in the IRS 48 system: methanol and dimethyl ether, the latter being the largest molecules yet identified in a planet-forming disc. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada

Many complex organic molecules, such as dimethyl ether, are thought to arise in star-forming clouds even before the stars themselves are born. In these cold environments, atoms and simple molecule like carbon monoxide stick to dust grains, forming an ice layer and undergoing chemical reactions which result in more complex molecule. The IRS 48 disc has a dust trap that is covered in ice rich in complex molecules. The dimethyl ether molecule can be seen in this region of the disc, as heating from IRS 48 sublimates the ice into gas.

It's even more exciting that we now know these larger complex molecules are available to feed planets in the disc.

The discovery of dimethyl ether suggests that other complex molecules may be present on icy structures in planet-forming discs. These are the basic building blocks of life, and they are made from these molecules.

By studying their formation and evolution, researchers can gain a better understanding of how prebiotic molecules end up on planets, including our own. The researcher who participated in the study says that with more observations, they can get a closer look at the origin of prebiotic molecules in our Solar System.

This video zooms in on the Oph-IRS 48 system, a star surrounded by a planet-forming disc that contains a dust trap. This trap allows dust particles to grow and spawn bigger bodies. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)/Nick Risinger ( Sky Survey 2/S. Guisard ( Music: movetwo

Future studies of IRS 48 with the ELT will allow the team to study the chemistry of the inner regions of the disc, where planets like Earth may be forming.

A major asymmetric ice trap in a planet-forming disk was presented in this research. The first detection of dimethyl ether was in Astronomy and Astrophysics.

More information: N. G.C. Brunken et al, A major asymmetric ice trap in a planet-forming disk. III. First detection of dimethyl ether, Astronomy & Astrophysics (2022). DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202142981 Journal information: Astronomy & Astrophysics , Astronomy and Astrophysics Citation: Astronomers discover largest molecule yet in a planet-forming disc (2022, March 8) retrieved 8 March 2022 from This document is subject to copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.