I've been writing about quackery and the antivaccine movement for over two decades, and I've written about it on my other website for 17 years. I've learned a few things, the most important of which is that there is nothing new under the sun with respect. Everything old is new again. I have written about this in general and in specifics going back to before the Pandemic was officially declared, but also in the context of individual antivax claims that have been resurrected, recycled, and given a fresh coat of COVID-19 paint in order to appear. The misuse of the VAERS database by antivaxxers to portray COVID-19 vaccines as deadly is one of the examples. I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised to see the resurrection of a form of antivaccine quackery used to treat the symptoms of the disease. A decade or so ago, it was all the rage in antivax circles and was featured prominently during the yearly antivaccine quack fest known as AutismOne, which was usually held at a hotel near O'Hare International Airport in Chicago. The technology used in the first approved vaccines hadn't been approved for use in vaccines before, but even the claim that the mRNA-based vaccines can permanently alter your DNA is new.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that antivaxxers are now promoting bleach and chlorine dioxide as a cure for COVID-19. I'm still amazed at how advocates of unscientific medicine can convince people that a chemical bleach used in water purification can cure a lot of things. The term zombie treatment refers to the fact that it always rises from the dead. I prefer the term "slasher quackery" because it's more similar to the movies of the 1980s. No matter how many times the slasher appears to have been killed in a movie, he always returns to kill more hapless college students.

A few weeks ago, an article by Mark Sircus was published. I thought it was worth discussing the claims made by Mr. Sircus, who is an orientalist and traditional Chinese doctor. If grifters are able to sell magic dirt from a special place in Canada as a cure-all for COVID-19, why not bleach?

Start with a conspiracy…

Sircus starts out with a conspiracy theory about how they don't want you to know about thecures.

When discussing any cure for COVID, the first thing to note is that neither health officials nor politicians are interested in a cure. Therefore, to expect any kind of medical sanity or truth from the FDA about what is and is not safe and effective to treat or cure COVID is a bad idea. Trusting the FDA about anything is like trusting a thief or pathological liar.

There is a massive, yawning gulf between what pharmaceutical companies want us to believe about health and medical treatments and reality. Decades of pharmaceutical propaganda have distorted people’s perception of reality so severely that at least half the population has slept walked into taking experimental vaccines so dangerous that if you die from them, life insurance companies will rule suicide.

They did it. No guns or concentration camps were needed. We have seen two years of them making the world their concentration camp. Pretty impressive. Lockdowns included. Hospitals were one of their primary weapons. There is no doubt that pharmaceutical terrorism is fully operational. However, people are starting to wake up and get smart. A video shot this past weekend in Paris, France, shows thousands of protesters surrounding the headquarters of Pfizer in the nation’s capital and chanting “assassins!”

I will admit one thing. As we approach the second anniversary of the World Health Organization officially declaring COVID-19 a Pandemic, I must admit that I had not heard of the conspiracy theory that if someone dies from a vaccine, insurance companies won't pay off their life insurance policy. Right now, it would be too much of a diversion for me to investigate that one further on my other blog. I will say one word: Wow. Sometimes I can be surprised.

Sircus thinks that the vaccines don't work.

Just about everyone alive today is starting to understand that COVID genetic vaccines are not a cure; they do not stop infection, though perhaps they do provide, at best,  temporary protection from the most severe forms of COVID, hospitalization, and death. However, I seriously doubt even that. The most obvious evidence of them not working is the need for boosters and the worldwide sky-high infection rates experienced by the vaccinated. Moreover, with millions of reported adverse reactions and uncountable vaccine deaths, even thinking of COVID vaccines as a cure is a disgusting medical perversion.

I will admit that they have often been oversold as the be-all and end-all to stop the Pandemic, and that is probably why. They were a not-unexpected and feared result of letting the virus circulate so widely, where the pressure on the virus has always been to develop the ability to spread more easily and quickly. Sircus neglects to mention that the Omicron variant has shown an ability to evade vaccine-induced immunity. The need for vaccine boosters isn't an indication that the vaccines don't work, it's just that immunity from them can wane. Don't get me started on Sircus, he uses the antivaccine misuse of the VAERS database to portray the vaccine Holocaust.

It is not true that early treatment has been ignored by big pharma and the medical profession. The steroid dexamethasone was found to decrease mortality from COVID-19, and physicians were so desperate that they used the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine as a treatment. The development of drugs like Paxlovid and molnupiravir, both of which were intended to be early treatments for COVID-19 that could prevent its progression to severe disease, shows that finding effective antiviral treatments for COVID-19 has been a strategy to combat the pandemic. Antivaccine conspiracy theorists like to refer to Paxlovid as Pfizermectin, which is a mechanism supposedly shared by ivermectin.

But what about the video?

Miracle Mineral Solution (a.k.a. chlorine dioxide bleach): The wonder drug?

It seems that early treatment and cure for COVID-19 are being suppressed.

So what is chlorine dioxide, and why should everyone have some ready at home? Dr. Stephanie Seneff, writing for the Weston Price organization, says, “Chlorine dioxide (CD) is a strong oxidizing agent that has found many applications in wastewater treat­ment and food disinfection. It is popular among campers as a way to disinfect water taken from a lake or stream prior to using it as drinking water. In recent years, it has become a popular treatment choice among alternative medicine specialists for various diseases and conditions, despite the fact that the mainstream medical establishment has come down very hard against it. To say that it is controversial would be an understatement.”

Unless you're a believer, it's not really controversial. Doctors know that drinking a bleaching chemical, which is used as a surface Disinfectant and water purification chemical, is not likely to have a therapeutic effect on a viral disease. It is interesting to look at what the reference Sircus also says.

Kerri Rivera is the mother of an autistic child. Like many other parents of autistic chil­dren, she was desperate to find a way to improve her child’s autistic symptoms. She spent over a million dollars trying to find a treatment that would work to heal her son. She was sufficiently impressed with the improvements she witnessed following CD treatment that she decided to become actively involved in promoting the idea that it might be useful for autism.

Kerri has developed a protocol to treat autism that includes various nutritional supplements (such as chondroitin sulfate and vitamin D) and a modified ketogenic diet that eliminates gluten and casein. Although the protocol can also include a number of other components— anti-parasitic medications, humic and fulvic acid, black seed oil, digestive enzymes, binders, thyroid supplements, ionic foot baths and hy­perbaric oxygen—she believes that an essential aspect is the idea of frequent tiny doses of CD throughout the day.

I will remind readers that MMS is 28% sodium chlorite in distilled water. The formation of chlorine dioxide is caused by the formation of chlorine dioxide in water or a food acid. It is equivalent to an industrial strength bleach and disinfectant. I will briefly revisit its history for those not familiar with it. The man who sold the product was named Jim Humble and he claimed that it could be used to treat AIDS, hepatitis A,B and C, malaria, herpes, and most cancer. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been saved and he claims that 5,000,000 people have used MMS. Jim Humble uses more concentrated MMS for this function. Poor people in less developed countries like Haiti are the ones who suffer the most.

Rivera has been featured on this website before, most recently a decade ago, when I wrote about how she was affected by the effects of the stress of her job. The method of use of MMS was one of the worst parts of Rivera's protocol. She advocated bleach enemas for children on the spectrum, as well as feeding them bleach until they started showing signs of becoming ill from it. What horrified me the most was how the MMS advocates misinterpreted the strings and rope-like stools of their children. Sircus doesn't seem to recommend MMS enemas, but it's likely because adults wouldn't be comfortable with bleach enemas.

Let's go back to Sircus, says the claims. He is a believer in the use of silver as an effective antibacterial and antiviral agent for surfaces and water.

Once dissolved in water, this gas releases free oxygen – much in the same way as hydrogen peroxide will. The magic happens when oxygen & chlorine are bound in one molecule; there are VERY few pathogens found in water that can survive coming into contact with this compound! This is why this compound has become the chemical of choice for water sanitation the world over!

Dr. Puya Yazdi states firmly, “Chlorine dioxide is an antiviral. It destroys the proteins on the outside of viruses and degrades the virus.”

Chlorine dioxide gas is effective against:

  • Human influenza (IFV)
  • Measles
  • Human herpes (HHV)
  • Human adenovirus (HAdVs)
  • Influenza A (in mice)

Chlorine dioxide solution also inactivated human and monkey rotaviruses (that cause diarrhea) and hepatitis A.

It is important to point out that a chemical that can kill germs on surfaces and in water will not be effective in the body because of the required concentrations. It is possible to treat burn wounds with chloroidal silver. It works because it is possible to get a high concentration of silver on the surface of a wound for it to work without being absorbed into the bloodstream. COVID-19 has been claimed to be cured by the use of colloidal silver. Argyria can be caused by long-term use of colloidal silver. It's not clear if colloidal silver is a good medicine for burn wounds.

The Tiger tank of modern medicine is referred to by Mr. Sircus.

It is hard to dispute; once you get to know chlorine dioxide like millions already do, that it is the Tiger Tank of medicine, the point of the spear, an essential treatment that the FDA will never accept. It really is too good to be true, but it is true, as campers and water treatment systems have known for decades.

The Tiger was a German heavy tank that was feared for its destructiveness and heavy armor that made it difficult to destroy or disabling. The Tiger was very expensive, difficult to manufacture, and very fuel inefficient, even for a tank, and I can't resist pointing that out. I suggest that the analogy Mr. Sircus was looking for was not the one he was looking for.

Sircus continues.

Chlorine dioxide empowers the immune system giving it a massive assist in its battle against pathogens and diseases. Though it is not the only oxygen therapy that can and should be employed, it is best if near-instant results are required, which is crucial if you come down with a COVID and suffer from a severe drop in oxygen.

Mr. Sircus claims.

There are other ways to ram oxygen down our mitochondria’s throats. However, one of the best and least expensive ways is chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide” is a substance that provides oxygen to tissues and all body fluids, activating the mitochondria of cells, which in turn generate more energy that allows the body to recover.

Dr. Andreas Klacher says, “Many debilitating secondary infections with their toxins will be neutralized, thus relieving the liver and kidneys. In addition, there is much more oxygen and thus much more energy in the body. Chlorine dioxide thus provides more quality of life and lifetime in the short term.”

It is true that immune cells generate oxygen free radicals to attack and destroy pathogens, but it does not follow from the immune system's function of generating oxygen in the first place. The cells generate high concentrations of free radical in a hyperlocal fashion, releasing them when they are in close contact with the pathogen being attacked. The low oxygen levels in the blood are different from the other problem in that they are due to poor gas exchange in the lungs as a result of the inflammation caused by the virus and the immune response to it. Adding more free radical to the mixture could make the clinical situation worse by increasing the inflammation in the lungs due to the immune system attacking the virus, which is probably more likely. It would not be a good thing if MMS generated too many free radicals, which could damage genes and cause cell death.

That reminds me. The false antivax claim that COVID-19 vaccines can cause cancer is perpetuated by Mr. Sircus. Who does he cite to support this claim? In the context of a discussion of how Jim Humble and his Genesis II Church have been one of the primary promoters of MMS quackery around the world, it's surprising that Andreas Kalcher has only been featured once before. Kalcker is a true believer in MMS and has used it to treat a variety of illnesses. You heard it, bleach! There are also quacks who recommend the ingestion of bleach, bleach enemas, and bathing in bleach.

Why is Mr. Sircus mentioning water treatment systems? It is true that chlorine dioxide is used as a water treatment in both water treatment systems and water purification tablets for campers. It oxidizes to killbacteria and viruses. It has some advantages over traditional chlorine, but is more expensive and is often used with chlorine to clean pools and water. Also:

Acute exposure of the skin to chlorine that originates from the decomposition of chlorine dioxide causes irritations and burns. Eye exposure eyes to chlorine dioxide causes irritations, watering eyes and a blurry sight. Chlorine dioxide gas can be absorbed by the skin, where it damages tissue and blood cells. Inhalation of chlorine dioxide gas causes coughing, a sore throat, severe headaches, lung oedema and bronchio spasma. The symptoms can begin to show long after the exposure has taken place and can remain for a long time. Chronical exposure to chlorine dioxide causes bronchitis. The health standard for chlorine dioxide is 0,1 ppm.

The concentration used to suck water from it's source is generally on the order of 1 to 5 parts per million, which is a very high concentration to try to achieve in the body. I've done the math before and found that the recommended amount of chlorine dioxide a child would get from just one visit to the doctor is much more than the number of visits recommended.

Mr. Sircus claims that the miracle of MMS is that it can break up blood clot caused by COVID-19 spike protein. It's true that COVID-19 can lead to death if it's not taken care of quickly. Sircus referred to Kalcker again.

Chlorine dioxide works on the central damaging aspect of COVID vaccines, which is coagulation in the blood. “Normally doctors prescribe an anticoagulant, such as warfarin, which is a substance equal to rat poison, which in the long term, will cause strokes, etc. So it’s not a solution at all. However, chlorine dioxide is a solution because we have seen that it directly dissolves mini clots before they get bigger,” says Dr. Andreas Kalcker.

“Oxygen deprivation is the cause of death for most covid-19 victims. Chlorine dioxide floods the blood with oxygen, immediately enriching the hemoglobin molecules on red blood cells and allowing patients to breathe again,” continues Kalcker.

Notably, many sick and dying have red blood cells clumping together and are not moving freely. Severely clumped red blood cells (Rouleau) affect proper oxygenation because the red blood cells do not circulate well enough to deliver oxygen where it is needed. Early in the pandemic, New York physicians noted that it seemed COVID patients had been transported to 30,000 feet in altitude and were starving for oxygen. This video shows that after taking chlorine dioxide, the red blood cells regain proper size and shape and move freely through the blood.

Sircus blames the vaccines for blood clot. He doesn't mention that COVID-19 itself is more likely to cause blood clot than the life threatening infections that endanger it. That is not the narrative that Sircus likes to promote.

I have to admit that that video is something else. A person claims to have had a blood draw before and after drinking a large amount of a chlorine dioxide solution. The claim is that the red blood cells can now deliver oxygen in a way that is appropriate. The appearance of red blood cells under a microscope is dependent on a number of factors, including how long the sample has been sitting after being drawn and how it was prepared. This exercise is nothing more than live blood analysis that tells us nothing. Even if you take the video at face value, it is only one person. Unless one can show effects in a large number of people and correlate them to actual functional changes that improve the ability of the red blood cells to transport oxygen, you have shown nothing.

I like to think of it as a Rorschach test, only using red blood cells. If you take this test at face value, it shows the effect of chlorine dioxide wearing off for two hours, which would imply that you would be better off. That's not how the advocates recommend using it.

Bleach will not treat or cure COVID-19

When COVID-19 first hit, those of us who had been deconstructing various forms of quackery and antivaccine misinformation expected that most of them would be recommended for the new coronaviruses disease. More than a decade after I first learned that quacks were using bleach to treatautism, I still shake my head. They do, and here we are. Homeopaths think that they can also treat COVID-19.

The latest horror movie in the series is called COVID-19.

Slasher poker

Which of these horror movies is the most famous?