The global death toll from Covid-19 passed 6 million on Monday, a sad milestone as a growing number of countries prepare to live with the virus.

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There is a memorial wall in London.

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According to data from the University, a total of 6,000,097 people have died with Covid-19.

The United States, Brazil, India, Russia, Mexico and Peru are the countries where half of the deaths occurred.

Mississippi, Arizona, Alabama and New Jersey report the most deaths when considering population size, while the U.S. has by far the most confirmed deaths.

Around four months after global deaths passed the 5 million mark, roughly a million people with the coronaviruses have died every three to four months since passing 1 million deaths in late September 2020.

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The real toll of Covid-19 is likely underestimated by the figure. The Economist estimates the death toll to be between 14 million and 24 million, which is two to four times the official figure. Poor testing for the virus, inadequate or dishonest reporting of deaths, and people who die from Covid-related issues not captured by the reporting mechanisms in place are some of the sources of the disparity. More than 5 million people have lost someone they care about to the virus, and death counts don't capture the ongoing health issues many sufferers face, as hospitals struggle to cope with Covid patients and people unable to access healthcare for other issues.

What To Watch For

Many countries, including the U.K., have dropped all or most restrictions on swine flu. Covid is far from stable and experts warn that even stable diseases can exact a devastating toll. Several of the countries that are dropping restrictions have some of the worst case rates per capita in the world, and more infections mean more chances for the virus to evolve into a potentially dangerous new variant. China is pursuing a policy of smothering outbreaks and aiming for no cases at all. Hong Kong is also committed to this goal, though unable to react with Beijing's severity (the Chinese government has locked down cities of millions to control outbreaks) and having largely evaded the virus earlier in the pandemic, is battling to contain its worst outbreak.

The true death toll is millions more than the official count.

Covid Means When We May Get There is a Pandemic Endgame.

Live updates on the coronaviruses.