The New York Times reported that Andrew Cuomo blamed his departure from public office on canceling culture.

Cuomo resigned in August of 2021. Cuomo faced possible impeachment after the office of New York State Attorney General Letitia James found that he had sexually harassed several women.

The former governor defended himself in the face of the AG's report and said thefacts are much different than what has been portrayed.

He denied the allegations.

I did not make inappropriate sexual advances or touch anyone. He said at the time that that is not who he has ever been.

Cuomo told the congregants at God's Battalion of Prayer Church that he wanted to tell his truth.

The judge and jury have been replaced by newspaper headlines.

Cuomo used the phrase "cancel culture" over a dozen times, but did not mention the sexual assault allegations brought against him, the Times reported. He claimed that his conduct was misconstrued because of changing generations.

Cuomo said that he paid a high price for learning the lesson.

The political sharks in Albany smelled blood and exploited the situation to overturn an election, Cuomo said.

Cuomo told the congregation that God isn't done with him yet and that he has many options in life.

A person for Cuomo did not respond to the request for comment.