the tanner family, minus baby ezra, posing for a group photo in a wooded area
The Tanner family, minus baby Ezra.Lisa Tanner
  • I have 10 kids ranging in age from infant to 19 and it has been a journey raising them.

  • We cause a lot of wear and tear and I am surprised how few material things they need.

  • I have gotten used to the noise in the house, but I can not get over how quickly my kids are growing up.

I have 10 children ranging in age from infant to 19 years old, and although it can be a bit busy at times, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I wasn't expecting many things about having this many kids.

Kids don't need a lot of stuff, especially when they're babies

As a baby, my oldest child had a lot of stuff. We were gifted a lot of things before she was born, so we read all the books we could get our hands on.

We realized we didn't use as much as we thought.

We had a better idea of what we would use when our next child came along. We cut the list of essentials even further after a few more kids.

If we tried to hang on to it all, our house would be filled with stuff, so minimizing has helped.

We can focus on giving our kids the things they really need, like lots of time spent together, and games and toys that promote critical thinking.

Noise isn't always a bad thing

The kids get up and fall asleep at the same time. There is a hum that comes from having 12 people in a house that only goes away in the wee hours of the night.

I can tune out a lot more now than I used to.

When I don't have the noise around me, it's weird.

Someday my kids will be grown, and I will really miss all of the sounds.

You're never going to be an expert at parenting

lisa in a hospital bed with her newborn son and her husband after her C-section
I had my first C-section with my 10th child.Lisa Tanner

I thought I would be an expert in the mom business at some point. When I think I have it down, another kid comes along, does something completely different, and makes me feel like a brand-new parent again.

My 10th child, Ezra, was my first C-section. The recovery process after his birth was very different than what I had experienced before, and since he arrived a bit early things were harder.

Having so many kids has taught me that parenting is not a one-size-fits-all thing. It's important to keep learning and growing because what works for one kid doesn't necessarily work for the others.

I've never gotten used to the comments my family gets in public

I have been surprised by the things people say about my family in front of my kids.

Do you know what causes that?

It never fails. People feel the need to say something when they walk into a store with a bunch of kids.

The majority of the comments are not friendly. The sight of a large family shocks the common sense out of people, and they lose the ability to think clearly.

I was prepared for bickering fights, but I'm surprised how well my kids get along

I was expecting my kids to fight. I was surprised by how much they enjoy being with each other.

The little ones want to be like the big kids. The older kids like to play with the toddlers.

I was surprised to see my kids invite a younger sibling to play or offer to help them build something cool.

There is a lot of love going on.

Accommodating 12 people in a house causes a lot of wear and tear

There is a lot of foot traffic at my house, which means things like flooring that are supposed to last for a long time don't. They get worn out from all the use.

Even if the kids aren't roughhousing or goofing off, I've been surprised at how much stuff just isn't built to survive constant use by a dozen people.

It took some creative thinking to find a vehicle large enough for my family

a yellow school bus parked in front of a green wooded area
We drove a school bus for a while.Lisa Tanner

My family has been growing more and more cars.

We needed something bigger than the little Ford Focus. I was scared the first time I drove a Suburban.

I was not sure what we were going to do when we outgrew the Suburban. Big vehicles are more expensive and there aren't a lot of options for large families.

We decided to drive a short school bus with a wheelchair lift since we have a child with special needs. You definitely get a lot of strange looks when you ride the school buses.

We drove two cars for a while after getting rid of that. We are in a van that has a split back seat for the wheelchair.

I laugh at how I felt about driving a Suburban. I had no idea that I would get used to driving bigger.

You'd be surprised how many people can share a bathroom

My family lived in a home with only one bathroom until a few months ago.

I was surprised at how well we did, despite the fact that we wanted a second one.

The littlest kids took baths in the kitchen sink instead of the bathtub, because it took a little creative scheduling. As long as the toilet paper was in stock, it all worked out.

I'll never get over how quickly my kids are growing up

It is easy to get discouraged when you are picking up another toddler mess or fighting with siblings, but I have realized that this season of life is fleeting.

Dropping her off made me look at my baby differently. Someday he will grow up and launch into the world.

He is still willing to cuddle, so I hold him a little closer.

Slow down and enjoy the time you have with your kids at home. It does not last forever.

The original article can be found on Insider.

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