The job approval rating of President Joe Biden hit 45% in a recent survey, which is a major boost for the administration as it attempts to change its domestic agenda and tackle the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

In the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll released on Friday, Biden's approval rating of 47% was a significant jump from February, when the president's approval was at 39%.

In the March poll, 50% of respondents disapproved of Biden's job performance, compared to 45% in February.

The Independents who helped send Biden to The White House, but whose perception of the president soured after the hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan, rising inflation throughout 2021, and setbacks related to the coronaviruses epidemic, appear to have made up ground with Biden in the poll released Friday.

The president's job approval was close to his public standing when it was 49% in August.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report released on Friday showed that 678,000 jobs were created in February 2022, with the unemployment rate falling from 4% to 3.8%, but rising inflation has kept Americans from feeling secure about the state of the economy.

45% of respondents approved of Biden's handling of the economy, compared to 53% who disapproved.

The most recent economic approval numbers show an increase in support of his handling of the economy. Only 36% of respondents approved of the work the administration did on this issue.

Voters approved of the president by a wide margin when they were asked about his handling of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, an improvement over the 34% approval rating the president had in February.

Half of the respondents disapproved of Biden's response to the conflict last month.

Biden has not declared a no-fly zone over the airspace of Ukraine since then, but he has not sent US troops to fight in the conflict. The sanctions imposed on Moscow have caused economic problems in Russia.

The economic sanctions against Russia were supported by an overwhelming 83% of respondents.

As more localities across the country continue to drop or modify their COVID-19 vaccine policies for indoor dining and recreation, Biden has seen his slightly negative standing on the issue change into solid support.

The NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll was conducted on March 1 and March 2 after the State of the Union address by Biden.

The overall sample had a margin of error of 3.8 percentage points.