The tensions on the International Space Station are almost non-existent according to one station engineer.

Todd Horelica, a NASA flight controller and safety engineer for the International Space Station, said that the Russian invasion of Ukraine hasn't had an impact on his work.

Many have been wondering how the conflict in eastern Europe has affected the operations of the International Space Station. I had a good chat with my Russian counterpart. It was business as usual. We want to make sure the crew and vehicle are safe.

Rantin’ Rogozin 

Despite Horelica's message, the fact remains that tensions on Earth have many worried that it could escalate to the International Space Station. The bloviating words of the head of Russia's space agency are to blame.

For weeks, he has been threatening to pull Russian modules from the International Space Station and hit the Earth below. He posted pro-Putin propaganda that many space experts found to be offensive.

It seems like the rest of Roscosmos is more level-headed than their leader. Who knows how long the working relationship with our Russian counterparts will last as tensions continue to escalate?

Russia will buy space parts from China, but China says it's not fast.

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