It's finally over.

Experts say that the rocket stage almost certainly crashed into the lunar surface early this morning, more than a month after it was spotted tumbling towards the Moon. The last resting place of the failed spaceship was888-607-3166, which was888-607-888-607-3166, the BBC reports.

NASA scientists have previously announced that they will be monitoring the Moon for any changes caused by the impact, raising the possibility that we will soon see extraordinary images of a human made crater on the Moon.

Rocket Origins

The rocket's origin was one of the biggest mysteries.

Bill Gray discovered the object hurtling towards the Moon in January. At the time, he said it was a stage from a 2015 launch.

He later published a correction and said it was actually a Chang 5-T1 booster from China. Beijing has denied that the rocket is theirs, but many experts disagree.

The rocket crash will allow researchers from all over the world to see how fresh craters are formed on the lunar surface. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

When a rocket plummets out of control towards the Moon, it's a good time to learn from it.

The experts say China is probably lying about the rocket crashing into the moon.

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