Russia might take the International Space Station down with it, because it is ruining its reputation.

A range of space experts, including current and former NASA officials, have told Politico that if Moscow pulls its modules from the orbital laboratory, it would force NASA and other agencies to destroy it.

Russian modules help keep the station in the air. It might not be worth the resources if it isn't worth going into the ocean in 2031.

Brian Weeden, a space researcher at the Secure World Foundation, said that they would have to invest a bunch of additional money to make that happen.

Moscow Mewl

It doesn't help that the head of Russia's space agency has spent the past week posting pro-Moscow propaganda to social media, while also making thinly-veiled threats that the agency might withdraw its modules.

The devastating economic sanctions that the world has imposed against Russia are at the center of the bloviating. Maybe Russia shouldn't have invaded a nation if they didn't want the world to turn against them.

We are likely to see a turning point in Russia-US space relations. It looks like the state of affairs may be falling apart, with both countries putting aside their differences in order to advance space research.

That means the loss of untold lives and destruction of communities, not to mention the loss of scientific understanding and cooperation.

The International Space Station could be ruined by the Russia crisis.

Russia says it will buy space parts from China, but China says it's not so fast.

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