Six of the 15 working nuclear reactor in Ukraine have stopped sending power into the nation's electrical grid, a high rate compared with routine operations before the Russian invasion. The war may have interfered with the operation of the plants, which require a wealth of industrial supplies and care. Western experts say that the cutbacks could lead to rolling blackouts that could cripple the country.

Nuclear power plants are not designed for war zones, according to a recent report. He said that Ukraine's nuclear facilities could become targets in a war that would disrupt their operations.

There are four complexes in different parts of the country where the 15 operational reactor is located. The State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine is located in Kyiv and reports on the power grid disconnections. On February 1 it reported that all of the nuclear plants in Ukraine were sending power into the grid. It's not unusual for individual reactor to go offline for maintenance.

The state agency began reporting an unusual rate of disconnection three days into the invasion, with six of the nation's 15 reactor offline. The inspectorate's updates don't give a reason for the outages.

There is a nuclear power facility in eastern Ukraine. One of Russia's main invasion routes lies north of it. The site is the largest nuclear reactor complex in Europe, and three of its six reactor are currently generating no electricity.

The International Atomic Energy Agency, which sets safety standards for the world's nuclear reactor, reported on Monday that Russian forces were close to Zaporizhzhia but had not entered the complex.