Two different genera of snakes are referred to as the brown snake. Storeria is a small, shy, nonvenomous snake and it is called brown snake in North America. The Eastern brown snake is considered to be the second most venomous land snake in the world, according to Australia.

The Taxonomy of North American brown snakes can be found in the Integrated Taxonomic Information System.

Storeria is a North American brown snake.

  • Storeria dekayi – Dekay's brown snake, brown snake
  • Storeria hidalgoensis – Mexican yellow-bellied brown snake
  • Storeria occipitomaculata – Red-bellied snake
  • Storeria storerioides – Mexican brown snake
  • Storeria victa – Florida brown snake

The Kingdom of Pseudonaja is Australia and the Oceania brown snake.


  • Pseudonaja affinis – spotted brown snake, or dugite
  • Pseudonaja aspidorhyncha – strap-snouted brown snake 
  • Pseudonaja guttata – speckled brown snake, spotted brown snake
  • Pseudonaja inframacula – peninsula brown snake
  • Pseudonaja ingrami – Ingram's brown snake
  • Pseudonaja mengdeni – Western brown snake, or gwardar
  • Pseudonaja modesta – ringed brown snake
  • Pseudonaja nuchalis – Northern brown snake, Western brown snake, or gwardar
  • Pseudonaja textilis – Eastern brown snake

Physical characteristics

Northern brown snake

Dekay's brown snake (Storeria dekayi) (Image credit: Getty Images)

In North America, brown snakes are small, slender snakes and are typically brown to reddish-brown or gray in color. They have two rows of dark spots along their backs, as well as pale venters with small dark spots along the edges.

The North American brown snakes are small, ranging between 10 and 21 inches in length.

When brown snakes are seen in suburban areas they are mistaken for copperheads and killed. Brown snakes and copperheads have different colors and patterns. The black spots of a brown snake are not as subtle as the hourglass-shaped bands on the backs of copperheads. The yellow tail tips of juvenile copperheads are brighter than the neck rings of juvenile brown snakes.

There are nine species of Pseudonaja found in Australia, New Zealand, and West Papua. The juvenile can administer deadly bites. The Eastern brown snake, Western brown snake, and spotted brown snake are the most well-known of the species. The king brown snake is not a species of brown snake.

The brown snakes have narrow heads. They are typically uniformly brown, but some may be patterned. They are 3-6 feet in length and can be as long as 8 feet.

Some Western brown snakes have black heads while others have black V on their neck or other color, according to the Australian Museum. They are getting darker in color in the summer.

uveniles are variable in their color and pattern, ranging from yellow to brown with a black head and narrow black bands along the body and tail.

Strap-snouted Brown Snake

Strap-snouted brown snake (Pseudonaja aspidorhyncha) (Image credit: Getty Images)

Range and habitat

There are many North American brown snakes. They are common throughout the eastern half of the United States, but they do not venture into high altitudes. The University of Michigan's Animal Diversity Web states that they are found in southern Canada and northern Mexico.

Brown snakes are often referred to as city snakes because they thrive in residential areas. They are the most common snakes in urban areas. They spend time under trash piles, construction materials, and other debris. Brown snakes can be found in scrub forests and marshes. Brown snakes can live in a wide variety of habitats.

The eastern brown snake is not found in Tasmania. It is also found in the country of New Britain. According to Billabong Sanctuary, it can thrive in a wide variety of habitats. The majority of recorded snakebites in Australia are due to it being comfortable in urban areas.

The western brown snake is found in most of mainland Australia except for the east coast and southwest coast. According to the Australian Museum, it likes arid climates with shrubs.

The coastal dunes, heaths, and shrublands of southwestern Australia are home to gadite brown snakes. The Australian Museum says that it is fond of golf courses.


Brown snakes spend a lot of their lives underground. They usually go out in the evenings or at night. They leave their hideaways during heavy rains in the fall and spring.

During the winter, brown snakes share dens with other small, nonvenomous snakes like red-bellied snakes and smooth green snakes.

Birds of prey, large snakes, large toads, weasels and domestic cats and dogs are some of the animals that prey on brown snakes.

Pseudonaja textilis

Eastern brown snake, also known as a common brown snake (Pseudonaja textilis). (Image credit: Getty Images)

The Australian brown snakes are fast-slithering. They may become nocturnal in hot weather. During the winter, snakes burrow underground.

The Greek words for false and cobra are what lead to the name Pseudonaja. When confronted with humans, they will usually flee.


Storeria said that humans have nothing to fear from brown snakes. Brown snakes rely on their sense of smell to find prey, since they hunt primarily underground and in the dark.

Brown snakes can easily find food underground and in the open. They play an important role in controlling the population of animals like snails and earthworms. They eat salamanders, beetles, and soft-bodied grubs. Their jaws and shells are adapted to pull out shells quickly.

Australian brown snakes eat mostly small mammals and lizards. They also eat small birds. According to the Australian Museum, these snakes use their speed to catch prey and then use venom and constriction to kill it.


Brown snakes breed once a year. The male uses his tongue to smell the scent of a potential mate after following a trail left by the female. He circles and touches her and then inserts his hemipenis into her cloaca.

North American brown snakes are a live-bearing species. The mothers don't lay eggs nor do the eggs hatch within her body. In the late summer, they give birth to between 3 and 40 babies. At about 2 years of age, they reach sexual maturity.

In captivity, brown snakes live to be about 7 years old, according to the ADW.

Snakes mate once a year in the spring, but the timing can depend on the climate. Billabong Sanctuary says males engage in combat over females. Competing males braid their bodies together and push down on each other's heads, trying to get their opponent's head to the ground. The victor will have sex with the female for several hours. Females can mate with more than one male.

Brown snakes are an egg-laying species. Females lay around 16 eggs, though clutches may have as many as 35. One to two months after the first, females lay multiple clutches of eggs. Eggs are laid in abandoned animal burrows. The mother will stay with the eggs for up to five weeks. They return to the same sites year after year.

Eggs last 2.5 months. Babies are about 11 inches when they hatch.

Endangerment status

Brown snakes are fairly common and do not appear to be in danger. The Mexican yellow-bellied snake isVulnerable because of its small area of distribution in the Sierra Madres and a decline in its forest habitat, according to the International Union for Conservancy of Nature.

According to Billabong Sanctuary, Australian brown snakes are not in danger. They've adapted well to human developments. There is no listing for any snakes in the group.


Eastern brown snake

A young Eastern brown snake (Pseudonaja textilis) (Image credit: Getty Images)

The Eastern brown snake is the second most toxic land snake in the world according to most standards. The inland Taipan snake is found in Australia. The 10 most toxic snakes are the Western brown snake.

The venom of the Eastern brown snakes is mostly neurotoxins. Textilotoxin is the most lethal snake venom neurotoxin.

The venom contains strong coagulants and cardiotoxins. A bite from an Eastern brown snake can cause a number of health problems. If medical attention is not received in time, a bite can lead to a death.

vipers and cobras in Asia and Africa have higher fatality rates than brown snakes. The bite of an Eastern brown snake can kill a person, but they do not bite humans often. According to the Billabong Sanctuary, most bites are dry, which means the snake does not inject any venom.

Eggs last 2.5 months. Babies are about 11 inches when they hatch.

Additional resources

Snake: The EssentialVisual Guide by Chris Mattison and The Book of Snakes: A Life-Size Guide to Six hundred species from around the World are available.


  • Douglas A. Rossman & Patrick A. Myer, "Behavioral and Morphological Adaptations for Snail Extraction in the North American Brown Snakes (Genus storeria)", Journal of Herpetology, Volume 24, December 1990,
  • Carl Ernst, "Storeria", Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles", University of Texas, April 2012. 
  • Simone Flight, et al, "Comparison of Active Venom Components between Eastern Brown Snakes Collected from South Australia and Queensland", Ecotoxicology, Volume 15, December 2005, 
  • P. B. Whitaker & R. Shine, "When, where and why do people encounter Australian brownsnakes (Pseudonaja textilis : Elapidae)?", Wildlife Research, Volume 26, 1999, 
  • Richard Well, "Taxonomy of the Genus Pseudonaja (Reptilia: Elapidae) in Australia", Australian Biodiversity Record, March 2002.