Kelly Casper is superintendent of Suring schools.
Kelly Casper is superintendent of Suring schools.

Oconto County District Attorney Edward Burke announced Monday that the school district's leader has been charged with six counts of false imprisonment related to the strip search of students.

Burke had previously found that the searches themselves did not violate state law, but he then looked at the state code relating to the ability of a school employee to confine a student.

Burke said in a news release that the State concluded that Kelly Casper did not have the legal authority to confine the students in a small restroom.

The students were searching for devices.

The maximum sentence for false imprisonment is six years in prison and a $10,000 fine. If he is found guilty of all six counts, he could face up to 21 years in prison.

According to online court records, an initial appearance is scheduled for March 23.

Burke wrote in the release that there is no dispute that the children were directed to enter the small bathroom at the direction of Casper, who also ordered the school nurse to accompany them to the room.

We are not done by a long shot.

A man was fined $2,000 for using food stamps to buy soda.

The children were told to remove their clothing in the bathroom and then stood in the doorway while they were in the room.

He said that if the children had the chance to escape, they would be humiliated and shamed.

The children were not given the chance to leave, he said.

The children were not given an opportunity to talk to their parents before they were confined in the bathroom.

Burke said that there are questions of fact that are best left for a jury to decide based on the evidence presented at trial.

Raelene Helminger, whose 16-year-old daughter was searched by Casper, told the Press-Gazette Monday she is glad something is being done to hold him accountable.

Helminger hopes that the charges mean that she will be placed on administrative leave.

The school board will make a statement at a special meeting on Wednesday night, after a meeting last week to discuss strip searches.

The Press-Gazette called the school district on Monday.

Helminger said they were hoping to get her out of that school and away from their children.

In interviews with an Oconto County Sheriff's Office investigator, the six girls recounted similar stories about how they were taken into a bathroom in the nurse's office and told to remove their underwear. Two of the girls were allowed to keep their leggings on because they said they weren't wearing underwear.

The first girl searched, who denied having a vape on her person, said that Casper slid her hands down her legs and behind her. The empty e-liquid fell out of the girl's bra when she bent down to pick up her shoes.

The bras were checked more carefully in the subsequent searches. The complaint states that the girls were told to remove their bras from their bodies, while one student claimed that her breasts were exposed.

The complaint states that most of the other five students said that Casper looked into the front of their bras and checked the band in the back.

There was a girl in the jacket. A girl admitted to having a device.

One of the girls told the deputy that she felt violated and that the school should not have the right to search her.

According to the complaint, the investigator was given certificates showing different training that she had received over the years, but that she was not trained to feel or pat someone in a search.

The investigator was told that she obtained information on where students hide items, how to properly question students, the need to have a second person to assist in the search and the laws pertaining to school searches.

According to the school nurse who helped with the searches, Casper talked to each one of the girls telling them they were better than this, they were making bad choices, and that she really cared about them. The nurse said that she didn't want to search them, but that they were going down the wrong road.

The nurse said that no one seemed to be bothered by the searches, and that at no time was Casper degrading or mean to them.

According to the complaint, the nurse stated that she was the one that was most uncomfortable with the searches.

According to police records, the nurse contacted her supervisor the day after the searches because she was concerned that the searches were inappropriate.

The name of the clinic and the supervisor were blacked out in the reports.

According to police reports, the supervisor told the nurse that the searches were improper and that she shouldn't speak to anyone about them. The school nurse was told by the supervisor to contact the legal team of the clinic.

Not Casper's first time searching students, according to records

According to the Oconto County Sheriff's Office documents obtained last week, Casper told officers that she never touched a child, never looked at a child if they were nude, and that she helped conduct searches.

She worked for the Coleman School District where she searched 20 students.

According to the salary reports, Casper has been the Supt. of the Suring School District since 2015. She was a leader with the Coleman School District.

She was principal of Coleman High School from 2002 to 2010 and principal of Coleman high and middle school from 2011 to 2013

In 2007, the Coleman School District was sued by Paula Hansen, who accused them of damaging her reputation and forcing her from her position.

In 2010 the suit was dismissed. A federal judge cited an investigatory report compiled by an outside consultant that said that the former Coleman High School principal was generally ineffective as a principal and lacked management skills.

The report said she was a cancer who was partly responsible for the dysfunctional relations of the district and could be expected to affect the performance of the administrators in the future.

No further comments will be made at this time to make sure that all parties are treated fairly, Burke said.

Check out our website for more information.

Kent Tempus can be reached at (920) 354-6075 or

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The article was originally published on the Green Bay Press-Gazette.

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