The head of Russia's space agency has a lot of strong opinions. It looks like one of his recent statements might have turned out to be incorrect.

The International Space Station, as well as the United States, and several other countries, were threatened in a bizarre rant by the Russian spaceman.

He claimed that sanctions against Moscow could cause the outpost to plummet down to Earth.

There is a chance of dropping a 500-ton structure to India and China. The risks are yours because the ISS does not fly over Russia.

The problem? The International Space Station flies over Russia.

Passing Through

The mistake was called out by users on the r/SpaceXMasterrace subreddit, who pointed out that the space station flies over a large portion of Russia.

It's a strange and embarrassing gaffe for the head of a major space agency, especially when you consider his long and storied history as a partner aboard the International Space Station. One would think that the International Space Station flies over Russia.

It's not that big of a surprise that he might have a hazy understanding of his agency's own missions, considering his own history of cringe statements.

The head of the Russian space program is threatening to destroy the US.

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