Grapes can be used in a wide range of popular foods and drinks. The New York Academy of Sciences says that they are good for the heart because of their high levels of resveratrol. While grapes are good for your health, they are also good for your heart.

There are grapes on a vine. grapes are popular all over the world because of their variety and flexibility. According to the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV), grapes are the most popular fruit in the world. Only 36 percent of the total goes to table grapes. According to the University of Missouri Division of Plant Sciences, the majority of grapes are turned into wine.

Spain is the largest producer of grapes in the world, accounting for 13 percent of the global supply, followed by China with 12 percent, France with 11 percent, Italy with nine percent, and Turkey with six percent. Half of global production is made up of these nations.

According to the University of Missouri, grape growing is as old as civilization. There is evidence of grape being grown as far back as 6500 B.C. In ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, wine and grapes were important in social rituals. The Concord grape is a native of the Americas.

Grape nutrient profile

A New York City-based registered dietitian, certified strength and conditioning specialist and a spokesman for the Academy of Nutrition says that grapes, especially the Concord grape variety, contain phytonutrients. Plants produce saponins, chemicals that are produced by plants. The benefits of eating plant foods are significant.

According to Rumsey, grapes are a good source of vitamins K, copper and B vitamins, as well as being a good source of fiber and low in calories.

Most scientific studies of grapes have looked at the extracts of the skin and seeds, which contain the highest concentrations of vitamins and minerals.

There are several colors of grapes, including red, black, purple or blue, green, and pink and yellow. Concord grapes are usually used to make grape juice, grape jelly and grape flavoring.

The dried grapes contain four times the amount of sugar as fresh grapes. The dehydrating process condenses the sugars and calories and removes some of the nutrition.

Grape nutritional facts

The nutrition facts for grapes are provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Nutrition Facts: Grapes, red or green Serving size: 1 cup (151 g) Calories 104 Calories from Fat 2 *Percent Daily Values (%DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Amt per Serving%DV*Amt per Serving%DV*
Total Fat 0g0%Total Carbohydrate 27.3g9%
Cholesterol 0mg0%Dietary Fiber 1.36g5%
Sodium 3mg0%Sugars 23.4g
Protein 1g
Vitamin A2%Calcium2%
Vitamin C27%Iron3%

Health benefits

Child eating grapes

Grapes make for an excellent healthy snack thanks to their fiber and vitamin content. (Image credit: Jessica Peterson via Getty Images)

In ancient Egypt, grapevines were used to make an ointment to treat skin and eye conditions. The fruit was ripened and crushed to make wine cures for a variety of conditions, including nausea, vomiting, and diseases of the body. According to The Journal of Nutrition, disease states such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, and stroke have become more prevalent in the past century.

Enhancing power.

Rumsey said that most of the polyphenols in grapes act as anti-oxidants in the body. According to an article in the Pharmacognosy Review, Antioxidant molecule interact with free radicals to stop the condition of oxidative stress. Cells can be damaged and disrupted by free radicals, which can contribute to diseases.

Grapes have a number of known and lesser-known anti-oxidants, like vitamins C and C, as well as some lesser-known ones. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, there is a possibility that resveratrol won't be as effective in humans as it is in test tubes. It has anti- inflammatory effects, which are associated with disease prevention.

According to an International Congress on Medicinal And Aromatic Plants report,Resveratrol acts as a calorierestriction mimic and influences energy metabolism by improving insulin sensitivity, lowering plasma glucose, and increasing mitochondrial capacity.

Health of the heart.

Polyphenols can help promote a healthy heart by increasing good cholesterol levels and decreasing inflammation in the body. According to the Journal of Nutrition, grapes can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Polyphenols are found in the human diet.

The review noted that the effects of resveratrol are well known. French people who drink a good deal of red wine enjoy long and healthy lives despite eating saturated fats and smoking. The risk of heart disease can be reduced through the use of resveratrol.

In a study of 34,489 American women, it was found that the intake of foods containing flavanones and anthocyanidins was associated with decreased cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. The report says that red wine consumption was associated with a decreased risk of coronary heart disease.

According to a review in the British Medical Journal, fiber helps to lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease. bile acids are made with cholesterol. The amount of bad cholesterol in the blood is reduced by the removal of cholesterol from the blood.

According to Rumsey, flavonoids can help protect the heart against blood clot and may reduce the damage of high cholesterol. rutin, a flavonoid found in grapes, is associated with a clotting factor. It is possible to block blood clot with the help of the protein disulfide isomerase. This can reduce the risk of a heart attack.

A cup of grapes can give you 25% of your daily requirement for vitamins K and K2 and some research suggests that it might reduce the risk of heart disease. The mechanisms that stop the formation of blood vessel calcification might become inactive without it. A review of studies published in the journal Advances in Nutrition suggested that future research should focus on patients with deficient vitamins. It's known that vitamins K and C are important factors in blood clotting. Lack of it can cause bleeding.


According to a study published in the BMJ, grapes may have preventive properties when it comes to diabetes. The study found that a higher intake of grapes, apples, and other whole fruits was associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. Fruit juice consumption was associated with a higher risk. Similar findings about the effectiveness of grapes and diabetes prevention have been produced by animal studies.

It is possible that this effect is due to grape skins. In animal studies, the effects of resveratrol improved when compared to other compounds.

It is unlikely that you need to reduce your fruit intake but you could keep a food diary. It suggests that some people find it easy to over eat dried fruit, grapes, and tropical fruits, because they tend to have larger portions when they eat fruit.

Varieties of grapes

There are around 10,000 grape varieties, each of which has its own best use, be it to eat as they are or use in the making of wine and other food or drink. (Image credit: istetiana via Getty Images)


Rumsey noted the fiber content of grapes. One cup of grapes only accounts for 5 percent of your daily fiber needs, but it is an easy snack that can make a big difference in your regularity and colorectal health.


According to a review in Genes Nutrition, the expression of three longevity genes is related to the amount of resveratrol in grapes. The review noted that muscadine grapes are effective. The positive results were seen in those who consumed white wine as well as red, because other components in grapes might be affecting the gene expression.

It's cognitive.

A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition looked at 12 older adults who had memory issues but not dementia. The study found that those who drank one or two cups of Concord grape juice every day for 12 weeks had a significant improvement in verbal learning. A study was published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2009.

There is cancer.

Grapes are a rich source of resveratrol. According to the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, studies show that resveratrol has the potential to stop cancer from spreading.

According to a review in the Journal of Nutrition, grapes and grape-based products are excellent sources of various cancer fighting agents. According to a 2008 article, many studies have shown that resveratrol can be used to fight breast cancer.

A study published in Nutrition and Cancer found that a compound in grape seed extract blocks the growth of cancer cells. In a study published in 2011, it was suggested that grape seed extract and resveratrol could be used to kill colon cancer cells in the lab.

Strong bones.

It's possible that vitamins K and C play a role in keeping bones strong. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that women who consumed at least 112 micrograms of vitamins K and K2 daily were less likely to break a hip than women who consumed less. According to a study in Nutrition, vitamins K and C increase the effectiveness of osteocalcin and promote healthy calcium balance.

According to research, copper helps maintain strong bones. According to a study in the Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, copper is essential for the synthesis of bone components and could possibly help prevent bone loss.

The American Society for Nutrition reported that a study with rats showed dramatic results from a grape-enriched diet with 44 percent great bone calcium retention.

Risks of eating grapes

Glass of wine and grapes

Grapes have been grown since 6500 B.C. Wine is an important part of rituals in several civilizations. (Image credit: Stefanie Grewel)

The majority of the vitamins and minerals are found in grape skins. Pesticides can cover grape skins. The Environmental Working Group ranks grapes as worse than cherries or peaches, but better than apples and strawberries, on their Dirty Dozen list, which ranks fruits and vegetables with the most pesticides in the United States. You should wash your grapes thoroughly or buy organic grapes.

Red wine contains many of the same vitamins and minerals as grapes, but be careful not to overload it. Rumsey suggests limiting your vino intake to one glass a day for women and two for men.

Getting more grapes

They can be added to most dishes for a healthy burst and can be used as a snack or salad topping.

Additional resources and reading

If you are wondering about the health benefits of other fruits, then you should learn about the nutrition of Pineapple.

We wouldn't blame you if you think about Italy when you talk about grapes and wine. You can learn a lot more about Italian culture here.


  • "Resveratrol, in its natural combination in whole grape, for health promotion and disease management" New York Academy of Sciences
  • "2019 statistical report on world vitiviniculture" International Organisation of Vine and Wine
  • "Grapes: A Brief History" University of Missouri Division of Plant Sciences
  • "Free radicals, antioxidants and functional foods: Impact on human health" Pharmacognosy Review
  • "Resveratrol" Linus Pauling Institute
  • "Natural and healthy life" International Congress on Medicinal And Aromatic Plants
  • "Grapes and Cardiovascular Disease" Journal of Nutrition
  • "Dietary fibre intake and risk of cardiovascular disease: systematic review and meta-analysis" BMJ
  • "Vitamin K Status and Vascular Calcification: Evidence from Observational and Clinical Studies" Advances in Nutrition
  • "Fruit consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes: results from three prospective longitudinal cohort studies" BMJ
  • "Resveratrol and diabetes: from animal to human studies" Biochimica Biophysica Acta
  • "Fruit and diabetes" Diabetes UK
  • "Dietary fiber: Essential for a healthy diet" Mayo Clinic
  • "Longevity nutrients resveratrol, wines and grapes" Genes Nutrition
  • "Concord grape juice supplementation improves memory function in older adults with mild cognitive impairment" British Journal of Nutrition
  • "Grape juice, berries, and walnuts affect brain aging and behavior" Journal of Nutrition
  • "5 foods that help lower your cancer risk" University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
  • "Anticancer and Cancer Chemopreventive Potential of Grape Seed Extract and Other Grape-Based Products" Journal of Nutrition
  • "Resveratrol inhibits migration and invasion of human breast-cancer cells" Molecular Nutrition and Food Research
  • "Procyanidin B2 3,3″-di-O-gallate, a Biologically Active Constituent of Grape Seed Extract, Induces Apoptosis in Human Prostate Cancer Cells Via Targeting NF-κB, Stat3, and AP1 Transcription Factors" Nutrition and Cancer
  • "Resveratrol potentiates grape seed extract induced human colon cancer cell apoptosis" Frontiers in Bioscience
  • "Vitamin K intake and hip fractures in women: a prospective study" American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
  • "Vitamin K and bone health" Nutrition
  • "Is there a potential therapeutic value of copper and zinc for osteoporosis?" Proceedings of the Nutrition Society
  • "A grape-enriched diet increases bone calcium retention and cortical bone properties in ovariectomized rats" American Society for Nutrition
  • "Dirtry Dozen" Environmental Working Group