TOPSHOT - People paint the figures of Soviet soldiers using Ukranian flag colours at the base of the Soviet Army monument in Sofia, on February 27, 2022 in reaction to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. - Ukrainian forces said they had fought off a Russian incPeople paint over a Soviet Army monument with Ukrainian flag colors in Bulgaria, February 27, 2022.

The commentary was written by 10 ambassadors and high commissioners in Singapore.

  • Kateryna Zelenko, Ukrainian Ambassador to Singapore
  • William Hodgman, High Commissioner of Australia to Singapore
  • Jean-Dominique Ieraci, High Commissioner of Canada to Singapore
  • Iwona Piórko, European Union Ambassador to Singapore, on behalf of the ambassadors to Singapore of all EU member states
  • Jun Yamazaki, Ambassador of Japan to Singapore
  • Jo Tyndall, High Commissioner of New Zealand to Singapore
  • Eivind S. Homme, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to Singapore
  • Mehmet Burçin Gönenli, Ambassador of Turkey
  • Kara Owen, High Commissioner of the United Kingdom to Singapore
  • Jonathan Kaplan, United States Ambassador to Singapore

The EU, G-7, Allies, and partners are united in their condemnation of Russia.

The shattering of peace and stability in Europe affects all of us around the world. Russian President Vladimir Putin has chosen a war that will bring catastrophic loss of life and suffering to innocent human beings. The world stands with the people of Ukraine as they are attacked by Russia.

For months, Putin has been planning this invasion. He directed the movement of more than 175,000 troops and military equipment into positions along the Ukrainian border. Russia was in violation of international law when it decided to recognize the independence of the two so-called "republics" of Ukraine. These actions were staged to create a pretext for Russia's full-scale invasion on February 24. The world isn't fooled.

The United States, the European Union, and allies and partners tried to address Russia's alleged security concerns, but were rejected by Putin. We urged Russia to be diplomatic and avoid conflict. Putin declared his war while the UN Security Council stood up for Ukrainian sovereignty.

Russia's aerial bombing, troop deployment, and tank assaults have all fallen on peaceful cities. The cost of death and destruction that will follow Russia's incursion will be very high for the people of Ukraine. Hospitals, orphanages, and kindergartens were destroyed by Russian forces.

Russia's invasion is a violation of international law and the international principles that we as an international community have pledged to respect: national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the right of states to make their own decisions regarding their foreign and security policy arrangements. Our friends in Singapore have emphasized the importance of obeying international law and the rules-based order, as evidenced by their decision to impose export controls and block certain Russian banks and financial institutions.

The death and destruction this invasion is bringing is being caused by Russia alone. The ambassadors and high commissioners of the Group of Seven (G7), the European Union and its Member States, and allies and friends of Ukraine stand together against Russia's illegal war. Our countries will respond in a decisive and united way. The world will hold the Kremlin accountable.

Tens of thousands of people gather in Tiergarten park to protest against the ongoing war in Ukraine on February 27, 2022 in Berlin, Germany.

The United States, the 27 members of the European Union, as well as the UK, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and others are united in imposing massive, severe economic costs on Russia. Russia's ability to do business in U.S. Dollars, Euros, Pounds, and Yen was restricted by the leaders of the Group of Seven. This will stunt Russia's ability to finance and grow its military and limit Russia's ability to be part of the global economy.

The European Union and the G7 imposed strong sanctions on Russia. We moved to cut off major Russian banks from the international financial system and sanction additional Russian elites and their family members. The Russian government and state-owned enterprises were stopped from raising money from the United States or European investors.

Our allies and partners are doing the same things. Russia's access to finance and technology for strategic sectors of its economy will be squeezed by these unified actions.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg holds a news conference on Russia’s attack on Ukraine, in Brussels, Belgium February 24, 2022.

We are getting ready to do more. NATO allies are prepared to defend themselves. The United States has sent thousands of additional forces to Germany and Poland and authorized the deployment of ground and air forces already stationed in Europe to NATO eastern flank Allies. NATO Allies and partners are adding their own forces and capabilities to ensure our security. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the actions show NATO's collective defense commitment is ironclad and that its members are standing together to protect their freedom and values.

The coming weeks and months will be hard for the people of Ukraine. The Ukrainian people have known for 30 years that they will not tolerate anyone who tries to drag their country backwards.

The entire world now knows that Putin's intentions were to protect a corrupt, authoritarian worldview and force that system on a peaceful neighboring country. The future of the world is one where nations take what they want by force, and prey on and seek to exploit their neighbors simply because they can. The foundation of the international order is being affected by his vision.

We will emerge stronger, more united, more determined, and more purposeful if we oppose this vision. Russia will be hurt by Putin's actions against Ukraine. The forces of liberty, democracy, and human dignity will not be extinguished by Putin. Freedom will prevail, and so will Ukraine.