How the captive mom of the 4-year-old Las Vegas boy found in a freezer devised a months-long plan to get her family rescued
Police patrol car.
Las Vegas police arrested a man accused of killing a 4-year-old boy and holding his mother and sister captive.JANIFEST/Getty Images
  • The boy was found dead in the freezer.

  • Brandon Toseland is accused of holding the boy's mother and sister captive.

  • The mother of the boy spent months planning their escape, according to an attorney for the family.

The body of a young boy was found in a freezer owned by a man accused of holding his mother and sister captive.

Police said that Brandon Toseland had been charged with murder and kidnapping. His arrest came months after Mason's mother, who spent her days handcuffed and restrained by Toseland, began scheming to get a note to her daughter's teacher without being caught.

After weeks of writing on sticky notes that she hid in a hiding place in Toseland's car, she was able to get the notes to her daughter. The mother and daughter were rescued this week by law enforcement after the 7-year-old gave sticky notes to a teacher.

The mom is not sure how Mason died, as his autopsy results are still pending, but she told police that Toseland physically abused her and both of her children at the home. Before Toseland separated Mason from his mother and sister, he was ill.

She knew he was sick, but he told her that it was an accident, and that she didn't know for sure.

Scott Coffee told the Washington Post that he will seek a mental health evaluation for Toseland.

Coffee accused the police of being too quick in determining the facts of the case.

How it began

Insider is not naming her because police believe she is an abuse victim, but she met Toseland through her late husband. After her husband died, Toseland began comforting her and they began dating for two months.

It started out great when she and her kids moved in with him.

He started exercising more and more control and it got worse until she tried to leave a room and the door was locked, he said.

The woman wanted to see Mason, but he wouldn't let her.

When she was locked up or held captive, there was never an opportunity for her to escape with her daughter.

The escape plan

The mother of the 7-year-old girl was hidden behind a sun shield in Toseland's car so nobody would see her.

She searched for something that would get her and her daughter help. She found a pack of sticky notes and a pen.

It was a game of him leaving and her knowing that she has less than a minute to take the sticky notes and the pen from their hiding spot, write whatever she can, and then hide it before he could come back.

She can't see through the front of the car to know when he will come back.

The woman needed to slip the note to her daughter when it was finished. A few days before her rescue, Toseland allowed the mother and daughter to sleep in the same room.

The woman spent the night coaching her daughter on how to say something in class.

After the school notified law enforcement, police set up a camera at the house and noticed Toseland leaving in the car with the woman. They pulled the car over for a traffic stop and saw that the woman was in handcuffs.

She was officially cleared of any wrongdoing by the homicide detectives who visited her home yesterday.

The woman and her daughter are staying with family and getting all the help they need, and they are grateful that the teacher, school administration, and law enforcement all responded to her note and saved her.

The original article can be found on Insider.

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