If the Russian Government attempts to send the International Space Station to earth, Musk will become a real-life action hero and save the world.

Musk is angry with a Russian space official who said that if the Russians sabotage the craft, it could endanger the U.S. or Europe. The official suggested that the move could be triggered by sanctions. Russia controls the engines on the space station.

Musk had a logo.

Someone asked if E.M. was suggesting that the space station wouldn't fall to earth. His response was yes.

There was no evidence of Russia when Musk acknowledged another message with the space station. The SpaceX Dragon was the center of attention.

The International Space Station is 500 tons and could do a lot of damage.

The Russian official said that all the risks are yours, since the International Space Station does not fly over Russia. Are you prepared for them?

NASA says there is no change with respect to the operations of the International Space Station. Can Russia do what it threatens?

Don't count Musk out. NASA has turned to the company for space exploration.