You might think that the President of Ukraine would get the hell out of there quickly. Volodymyr Zelenskyy is sticking around to fight. In a time of crisis, the fearless leader of Ukraine is showing his guts by staying on the ground and making sure his people know. There is a case in point. Zelenskyy turned down an offer from U.S. officials to flee the country, and instead told them that he needed bullets. He posted a video of himself next to fellow cabinet members in the middle of the night, assuring everyone that he had not fled, and that he was dedicated to staying in Ukraine as long as possible to defend their sovereignty. The same sentiment was echoed in another video by VZ on Saturday. He said that he was here. We are not giving up. We will be defending our country, because our weapon is truth, and our truth is that this is our land, our country, our children, and we will defend all of this. Reports say that the Ukrainians are holding their own in the battle, and that they are fending off Russian soldiers pretty well. Zelenskyy told Ukrainians Saturday that he had gotten assurances from neighboring countries that they would help feed the country during the fight. Russia and a lot of other countries rely on the international banking communications system, known as SWIFT, to talk finance and money, and removing them will further isolate Putin from the rest of the world, with more consequences likely to follow. President Zelenskyy has been on the phone with many of his Western allies, and they are promising support via resources and on-the-ground troops if needed. It is a tricky situation because a mistake here can lead to a world war. Zelenskyy is being hailed a hero for leading his people through a turbulent situation. The crazy part about Zelenskyy's tenure is that the guy is a comedian who played the Ukrainian Prez on his own show years before he became famous. He has been likened to Jon Stewart with his biting satire, and now he leads a war-torn nation in real life. It is amazing to see how well he is doing and how brave he is. Getty