The Americans and Canadians are trying to kick a bad habit by throwing Russian booze at each other.

President Biden and other world powers are already imposing sanctions against Russia as a way to deter Putin from continuing his takeover, but local liquor stores and restauranteurs are doing their part as well.

Business owners from Oregon to Vegas and Vermont are draining their Russian-based spirits down the sink and into the streets to show solidarity with Ukrainians.

In an interview with KTVZ21, the proprietor of the Pine Tavern Restaurant in Bend, OR, said he doesn't want to support any aspect of the Russian regime.

The guys at the Evel Pie pizzeria in Vegas posted a photo of themselves emptying bottles of Russian Standard, among other brands, right onto the curb. The Magic Mountain Ski Resort in Londonberry, VT is following suit.

Another place is speaking out. Southern Spirits in Fort Mill, South Carolina posted on Facebook that they would be avoiding promotion of Russian products.

southern spirits

We will sell down the inventory we have but will be moving the displays from the floor. We will continue to promote and carry Kozak, which is an outstanding vodka from Ukraine. Thank you for your understanding.

Like we said. Canada is getting in on the boycott as well, with provincial powers that handle a good majority of liquor imports and sales announcing bans in their own backyard.

The Newfoundland and Labrador Liquor Corporation made the decision to remove products of Russian origin from its shelves. Russian Standard Platinum and Russian Standard Vodka are included.

Peter Bethlenfalvy, the Minister of Finance for Ontario, is one of the Canadian officials who is in favor of banning Russian alcohol.

Russia loves drinking and selling their famous potato drink, but what happens when no one wants it? We are sure that time will tell.