A plan to explore Venus using bird-like drones is one of the out-there futuristic mission concepts that NASA plans to study.

The BREEZE concept is one of seventeen visionary projects selected for further study. BREEZE has been selected for a Phase II grant, which will allow the researchers to continue studying the concept for another two years.

Graphic depiction of BREEZE- Bioinspired Ray for Extreme Environments and Zonal Exploration.
Graphic depiction of BREEZE- Bioinspired Ray for Extreme Environments and Zonal Exploration Javid Bayandor

The idea for BREEZE is to use inflatable structures and inspiration from nature to build drone explorers. It makes a lot of sense because of the conditions on Venus. Venus has thick clouds that obscure views of the surface, so explorers need to get below the clouds to get a good view. Pressures on the surface are immense, as are the temperatures, so previous probes have only lasted a few minutes on the surface. The thick atmosphere is full of sulfuric acid clouds, so it is not a friendly environment, but it could be used for a craft that glides along the strong winds there.

Javid Bayandor explained in a statement that BREEZE will navigate the atmosphere at altitudes between 50-60 km and ride zonal winds to circumnavigate the planet every 3-6 days. Tracking weather patterns, determining atmospheric constituents, mapping Venusian magnetic field, and creating detailed surface scans are included in these studies.

You can see a full list of the concepts being studied on NASA's website.

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