The match ended with Manchester United 0 andWatford 0.
Manchester United andWatford ended the second half with zeros.
An attempt was missed. The shot from outside the box is close, but misses to the right. Louza assisted by Imr.
The attempt was saved. Bruno Fernandes' shot from outside the box is saved in the center of the goal. It was assisted by Raphaël Varane.
An attempt was missed. Jadon Sancho's shot from outside the box is close, but misses the top right corner. Victor Lindel assisted.
An attempt was missed. Juraj Kucka's shot from outside the box misses to the right. They were assisted by Isma.
The attempt was blocked. The shot from outside the box was blocked. Paul Pogba assisted.
There was a substitution at the time. Tom Cleverley was replaced by Juraj Kucka.
The right wing is where Anthony Elanga won the free kick.
Ken Sema had a foul.
Corner of Manchester United. Conceded by Samir.
The attempt was blocked. The shot from the right side of the box is blocked by the box. It was assisted by the player.
An attempt was missed. The Manchester United player misses a close-in goal from the centre of the box. Shaw assisted with a cross.
There is a substitution for Manchester United. Marcus Rashford is the new player.
There is a substitution for Manchester United. Shaw replaces Telles.
An attempt was missed. The right side of the box is a bit too high for the head of the Manchester United player. Alex Telles assisted with a cross.
A free kick is won by a Manchester United player.
Foul by Dennis.
An attempt was missed. The Manchester United player missed the ball from the centre of the box. Bruno Fernandes assisted with a cross.
Corner of Manchester United. Conceded by a person.