Satellite images show destruction at the Ukrainian air bases after Russian forces attacked the country.

US company Planet released photos on its website showing damage to two air bases in Ukranian.

Planet says it provides daily satellite data that helps businesses, governments, and journalists understand the physical world and take action.

Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on Thursday, according to the interior ministry of the country. Russian troops were reported to have attacked Ukrainian security forces.

The people in the capital of the country have fled. Others have been using the city's subway stations as a shelter.

The photos shared by Planet Labs show before and after images of the damaged air bases.

—Planet (@planet) February 24, 2022

Sky News reported that images show smoke billowing from Chuhuiv Air Base, which was reportedly hit by Russian missiles.

Mykolaiv air base struck by Russian forces
Satellite image shows Mykolaiv Airbase struck by Russian forces.
Planet Labs

White smoke was seen rising from the Mykolaiv Air Base. According to its website, Mykolaiv Airbase is a small airport with three runways.

Planet Labs was sad to see the events in Ukraine after publishing the photos. We provide imagery from the region to our partners, aid, relief and human rights organizations, and the media to expose the situation as events unfold. Our thoughts are with the people.

Maxar Technologies captured satellite images showing Russian troops being deployed within miles of the Ukrainian border just hours before Putin ordered a full scale invasion of the country.

Maxar took pictures of Russian military vehicles in four locations.