Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky confirmed on Saturday that government forces continued to control key points around the city.

Please stop those who are lying, or trying to lie to you. He said during a morning briefing that we need to stop the war.

Our military, our national guard, our national police, our territory defense, special service, nationals of Ukraine, please carry on. We will win. Glory to the people of Ukraine.

Zelensky refused to leave his country even after the United States offered to help.

The Associated Press reported that he said the fight was here and he needed a ride, citing an American intelligence official.

He pledged to fight back against Russian President Putin during the speech.

He said that they were successfully holding back the enemy's attacks. The key areas are controlled by the army.

The occupiers wanted to set up a puppet in our capital. They did not succeed.

CNN reported that the Ukrainians have been preparing to fight Russia, with officials giving them arms and television stations broadcasting details for assembling Molotov cocktails.

The Ukrainian Interior Ministry asked civilians to take shelter because of the conflict on the ground.

There are active fighting on the streets of our city. The ministry posted on Facebook that they would like to stay calm and be careful.

Zelensky made a plea for people who were able to come back to help the country.

He said during his speech that the armed forces are doing everything they can to destroy the enemy.

The cities and towns that are being attacked from the air are holding up. Please destroy the occupiers if you can. Everyone who can come back to Ukraine, please do.

The president promised to help supporters take up arms against Russia.

He said that every friend of Ukraine who wants to join the country in defending it will be given weapons. Everyone who is defending Ukraine is a hero.

Zelensky appealed to Russian citizens to put more pressure on Putin to stop the attacks on Ukraine.

In a huge display of support, a lot of antiwar protestors in Moscow and St. Petersburg took to the streets to register their disapproval with the Kremlin's actions. Russian police forces responded by detaining more than 1,700 demonstrators.

I want everyone in Russia to hear me. Everyone. Zelensky said that hundreds of captured soldiers don't know why they were sent to kill people.

He said that your nationals are against the war. Many people in Russia are shocked by the brutality of the Russian government. I am thankful.