She officially filed to pull the plug on her conservatorship, which is a huge step on the path to personal freedom. On the heels of Britney Spears ending hers, she is doing it. The former child star is no longer in control. She was placed under the control of the court after a string of bizarre episodes, including when she soaked her dog in gasoline and set her neighbor's driveway on fire. She was cared for by her parents after she was released from a mental health facility. As we reported back in September, a judge signed off on keeping the conservatorship in place until March 2023. She has mostly been staying out of the spotlight, pursuing other interests besides acting, dabbling in rap music, and getting engaged. She received a degree from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, which shows her ability to function. The judge's reaction will be both interesting and important because there is a movement to end conservatorships with young people. Stay on top of it.