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The threshold for marijuana testing is being raised by the NCAA.
The Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports increased the threshold of the drug to 150 grams per liter.
The committee wants to change the current penalty structure for student-athletes who test positive for THC during NCAA drug testing.
Student-athletes wouldn't be at risk of missing games until a second positive test under the proposed penalty structure.
Nicole Auerbach @NicoleAuerbachThe NCAA is raising the THC threshold for student-athletes from 35 to 150 nanograms per milliliter, effective immediately.
Technically, each division will have to separately vote to change drug-testing penalties, but here is what is being recommended: pic.twitter.com/krtwKxd5Bh
The chair of the Colorado team physician issued a statement about the changes in the press release.
After careful consideration and extensive discussion of the recommendations made by the Drug Testing Subcommittee, the changes to the NCAA drug testing program were approved.
The last time the NCAA raised the threshold was in 2019. It went from 15 to 35. The move was designed to prevent people who have smoked cannabis from triggering a positive test.
Marijuana use has been stigmatized in recent years, but the NCAA announcement comes as that stigma has decreased. It has been legalized in 18 states and decriminalized in 13 others.
The threshold for drug tests will be adjusted immediately and will apply to all tests since the fall of 2021.
Each division is required to adopt the new legislation before any changes are made to discipline for potential violations.