The president of Ukraine said his country had been left alone to defend itself from Russia.

President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke to the people of Ukraine in a speech early Friday, saying that they are brilliantly defending the country from one of the most powerful countries in the world.

Russia attacked the entire state. Our defenders have done a lot. They defended the entire territory of Ukraine.

He said that Ukraine wasn't getting help.

We are left alone in defense of our state. Who will fight with us? I don't see that. Who is willing to guarantee that Ukraine will join NATO? Everyone is afraid.

NATO and other Western nations criticized Russia for its attack on Ukraine. Many have sent weapons to Russia.

Zelensky was critical that none of the power sent troops to Ukraine.

Ukraine is interested in joining NATO.

NATO has no plans to send troops, according to the bloc's Secretary General.

US President Joe Biden said that US troops would not be sent to Ukraine, but would defend NATO member states that are impacted.

Biden said that the forces were not going to fight in Ukraine, but to defend NATO allies.

Russia does not want Ukraine to join NATO because it would be a hostile act against Russia.