It's heartbreaking to see the events in Ukraine. I am keeping everyone there in my thoughts, and what a helpless and horrifying situation. Some countries are starting to impose sanctions against Russia, which could have implications for aviation.

UK bans Aeroflot flights

Aeroflot's foreign carrier permit has been suspended by the UK Civil Aviation Authority. Aeroflot will not be allowed to operate flights to or from the United Kingdom.

Banning commercial flights from an airline is a small step in the right direction. I was surprised by how slowly other countries were acting. The United States has not banned Aeroflot flights, and the plane is currently in Miami.

This is a complex situation. The people of Russia are punished more by banning flights than by sanctions. As the rest of the globe decides how to deal with this situation, that is going to be a challenge.

The UK has banned Aeroflot flights until further notice

Will Russia ban foreign airlines from its airspace?

Russia has a lot of power when it comes to airspace. Russia is the largest country in the world and can ban other airlines from using its airspace.

Russian airspace is very important for flights from Europe to North Asia. Russia has a lot of leverage on the aviation front, because banning airlines from Russian airspace could make a lot of routes extremely challenging. The bigger question is if airlines should use Russian airspace.

Russia could ban airlines from using its airspace, and that would be tricky

Bottom line

The UK is one of the first countries to ban Aeroflot. This is just one part of the sanctions against Russia. I am curious to see if other countries follow.

The other side of the coin is that it will get more complicated if Russia restricts foreign airlines from using its airspace. This could make a lot of routes impossible.

What do you think about the situation when it comes to aviation?
