The text chat function will be added to the voice rooms. Users who don't want to speak can write their opinions in the chat channel. It's a change that some users have been clamoring for, and it'scounterintuitive for an audio-only app to also feature text. In rooms with a lot of celebrity speakers, an in-chat function may be the only way for some people to join the conversation. A chat function can be a nightmare for moderation, as anyone who has spent a few minutes on twitch can attest to. There are a few ways that creators can keep their rooms from flying off the handle. Users can be kicked out of the room if the creators appoint a mod. You can report messages that violate the platform's user guidelines. The in-chat room function is optional for those who would rather keep their rooms audio-only. When they create their room, they can opt out of in-room chat. The written chat log will also be saved if you choose to record your room's audio. Clubhouse is starting to resemble the rest of social media as social platforms add features. A way for people to listen to conversations on their desktop was rolled out by Clubhouse last month. Direct messages can be sent to each other. As live voice chat rooms become less of a novelty, Clubhouse will likely have to get creative in order to keep up with competitors.