We work on multiple windows at the same time. Information from the web is needed to write a document or fill in a spreadsheet. You need to read a PDF of the report before you send an email to your team.

Click and drag the edge to easily resizing windows on your Mac. You could end up with multiple windows floating around. Your spreadsheet disappears when you go to your Word doc. Your email is covered by your browser window.

The floating windows problem can be solved with the split screen view. The split view makes it easy to fill your screen with two windows. Your other windows disappear temporarily.

It's a dual focus mode.

Enter split screen

It only takes a few steps to split the screen of your Mac.

1. The upper left corner of the window has a green button.

Mac window, with the mouse pointer over the green button and highlighted.
Hover your mouse pointer over the green button.
Stefan Ionescu/Insider

2. There are options on what to do with the window. You can choose to have the tile window to the left or right of the screen.

Mac windows options, with “Tile Window to Left of Screen” and “Tile Window to Right of Screen” options highlighted.
Choose either "Tile Window to Left of Screen" or "Tile Window to Right of Screen" among the window options.
Stefan Ionescu/Insider

3. Depending on which side you choose, the window will occupy half of the screen and the rest of the windows will appear in the other half. You can set the window in the other half.

Split screen view on a Mac, with one window set on the left side and other apps that support split screen ready to be set on the right side.
Select your second split screen window from the available windows on the other side.
Stefan Ionescu/Insider

4. You can switch the windows if you don't like how they are arranged. You can drag the menu bar to the other side by clicking and holding it.

5. Click the border between your two windows to make one window wider or narrower. To make one smaller and one larger, drag your cursor. The two windows will still fill the screen.

Split screen view on a Mac, with the left window resized.
Drag the border between your windows to resize them.
Stefan Ionescu/Insider

6. The red, yellow, green dots disappear in this mode. The menu bar will reappear over both windows if you move your mouse to the top of your screen.

Switch windows in split screen

It is easy to switch back and forth between the two documents. You can switch between your split screen and other apps.

1. You can enter Mission Control with four fingers.

2. Click on the window or dual screen pair you want to switch to.

Mission Control opened on Mac, with other windows and dual screen pairs on the top.
Use Mission Control to choose another window.
Stefan Ionescu/Insider

If you want to switch to another window, you can use the three fingers on your keyboard.

Exit split screen

You can return to fullscreen mode when you are done working in split screen view.

1. The green button can't be seen until you move the cursor up to the top of the window.

2. You can reduce the size of your window by clicking the green button. This will let you leave the screen.

3. The window you are in will be the same as before. The other window will be in fullscreen mode.

You can exit the split screen through Mission Control, or you can use your trackpad to do so.