The head of Russia's space corporation is known for his odd behavior.

He is back at it. The consequences of new sanctions against Russia's space program could be disastrous.

The United States appears to be a direct threat to Rogozin as he went as far as to level it.

If you block cooperation with us, who will save the International Space Station from falling into the United States?

He appeared to threaten several other countries.

There is a chance of dropping a 500-ton structure to India and China. The risks are yours because the ISS does not fly over Russia. Are you prepared for them?

This afternoon, Biden levied yet another wave of sanctions against the country, with the aim of cutting it off economically from the rest of the world, and actively undermine the country's space program.

We will continue to make our own spaceships by expanding the production of the necessary components and devices at home.

Do you want to ban all countries from using the most reliable Russian rockets?

The sanctions were going to destroy space competition, and Biden was throwing a wrench in the relationship between Russia and the US when it comes to training astronauts.

Russia's own spaceships have put the International Space Station and its inhabitants in danger.

The entire station spin almost out of control after a Russian-made spaceship docked to it.

Russia blew up one of its satellites with a missile, creating a cloud of over 1,000 pieces of space debris.

Russia has made its bed by invading Ukraine, cutting itself off politically from the world, and its space program will likely have to forge its own path going forward as well.

The Russian space boss was accused of war crimes by a journalist.

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