NASA won't be interfering with work on the International Space Station despite the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The space agency says operations aboard the station will continue as usual, with astronauts and cosmonauts working side-by-side to further research in space.

The International Space Station team is continuing to conduct research operations in low-Earth orbit, according to a statement from NASA.

Strained Relationship

Some officials within international space agencies are not happy with each other. The head of Russia's space program is upset with the US policy towards Moscow.

We really value our professional relationship with NASA, but as a Russian and citizen of Russia, I am completely unhappy with the sometimes openly hostile US policy towards my country.

He said that regardless of disagreements between our countries, he would make every effort to continue as before.

For decades, space exploration has offered a unique opportunity for countries to put aside their differences and focus on scientific research. The ISS is a testament to that. It's highly unlikely that Putin would sabotage the outpost to get back at the West.

With the rapidly escalating situation in the Ukranian, officials and astronauts are more and more worried that it could disrupt what has been a longstanding fruitful relationship for science and technological advancement.

The International Space Station's US and Russian astronauts will not be affected by the war.

Russia isn't going to pull its modules from the International Space Station.

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