Dozens of Garretson residents sit at a school board meeting in support of Chris Long on Feb. 24, 2022 in the Garretson school library.
Dozens of Garretson residents sit at a school board meeting in support of Chris Long on Feb. 24, 2022 in the Garretson school library.

Chris Long, the middle school and high school principal and football coach, had his contract terminated by the school board after five hours and 13 minutes of executive session.

Minutes after the board ended its executive session, a motion was made to end Long's contract. He was terminated due to a clear failure to follow and a violation of the district's policies and procedures.

The findings of facts and conclusions of law will be prepared by a hearing officer, and any further decisions will be approved and adopted by the board of education, according to the motion.

The district is under pressure to keep principal and head coach Chris Long on staff.

It's not clear what Long's offense was to cause his firing.

Rumors are swirling in the small town of Garretson, but Nordstrom would not comment or explain Long's offense to the Argus Leader, the Garretson Gazette or South Dakota News Watch on Wednesday night after the hearing.

The decision came after hours of closed meetings in the school library, where the public couldn't see the proceedings through glazed glass, and where double-glass doors leading into the library were covered with sheets of black construction paper.

For hours on Wednesday night, Feb. 24, 2022, this was the public's view of the closed portion of the school board meeting as they deliberated in executive session. Black construction paper blocked out the view into the school library where the meeting was held.
For hours on Wednesday night, Feb. 24, 2022, this was the public's view of the closed portion of the school board meeting as they deliberated in executive session. Black construction paper blocked out the view into the school library where the meeting was held.

There was no indication of what was happening in the proceedings other than Long and his attorney, David Kroon, and the district's attorney, Sam Kerr, stepping out into the administrative office for breaks.

In a few minutes of public session at the start of the hearing, the hearing officer explained that he would act as legal counsel to the board for this employee hearing.

I'm sure the rest of the board can nod along, but I know there's a lot of concern about this issue. At the beginning of the meeting, Nordstrom said he could see it. We have to work through this and see what happens. There is a lot of different ideas and thoughts that everyone has. The evidence presented to us will determine what we do tonight.

South Dakota's privacy laws keep families in the dark about teacher discipline.

Chris Long (right), former middle and high school principal of Garretson High School and head football coach, walks between the administrative office at the Garretson school and the library with his attorney, David Kroon, on Feb. 24, 2022.
Chris Long (right), former middle and high school principal of Garretson High School and head football coach, walks between the administrative office at the Garretson school and the library with his attorney, David Kroon, on Feb. 24, 2022.

The board made a motion to fire Long after the group left the building.

Long is still listed on the district's website as a staff member, and his teaching certificate is still listed as active on the Department of Education's educator search tool.

Will we ever know why Long was fired?

In South Dakota, personnel information other than salaries and routine directory information is not public. Records are not developed or received by law enforcement agencies.

In a letter to the district community, Johnson said that the board and administration have a goal to keep stakeholders informed on matters impacting the district, but that statutes on privacy matters, school district policies and basic human decency limit what they can share.

Privacy laws vary by state when it comes to teacher discipline records. South Dakota is here.

The district would inform parents immediately if there was an immediate concern for student safety.

Unless Long himself speaks out, the next chance to learn more may be if the state takes action against his certification.

The state made the reports about teacher certifications public last summer after inquiries by the Argus Leader about personnel privacy laws and the education department's releasable data.

Long didn't make a comment about the situation.

The district is under pressure to keep principal and head coach Chris Long on staff.

Community shows support for Chris Long

Dozens of Garretson residents showed up in support of Long, including his students, some alumni of the school, family members, friends and coworkers. Many of his supporters wore shirts showing their support.

After Long's contract was terminated, a teacher who helped circulate a petition in support of him said it was a big blow.

The principal was put on administrative leave in mid-January, but the district only told the public about it after a Garretson Gazette article questioned him.

The front page of the Garretson Gazette on Feb. 3, 2022.
The front page of the Garretson Gazette on Feb. 3, 2022.

The district sent a letter to parents explaining that if there was an immediate concern for student safety, they would inform parents. In this case, there are no.

Students protested Long's absence at a basketball game and at a school sit-in.

The mother of high school principal Chris Long is from the school district.

Clark respects that it is a personnel matter and that it needs to remain confidential, but that there needs to be more transparency throughout the process. She questioned how the board has been led on this issue from administration, and said there may not have been discussion at the school board level about the decision to put Long on leave.

She said that Mr. Long had been out of the school for five weeks. Kids depend on him. Many of the kids here miss him. Students' emotional wellbeing hasn't been addressed.

Current, former Garretson students upset

Clark said her son, a junior in high school, is very upset over this issue as Long is his football coach and has played a huge role in his life, adding that some students are considering open enroll into other districts if Long doesn't come back.

Clark said that the community is not likely to support things likeopt outs, which benefit the school by putting more tax money towards its funding, because they are not popular.

Garretson superintendent Guy Johnson (left) and school district lawyer Sam Kerr (right) walk between the administrative office and school library during executive session of the school board on Feb. 24, 2022.
Garretson superintendent Guy Johnson (left) and school district lawyer Sam Kerr (right) walk between the administrative office and school library during executive session of the school board on Feb. 24, 2022.

Matthew Gilbert, a junior at the high school, made a video in support of Long, who has been his basketball and football coach. Gilbert is a good friend of Long's son.

Gilbert said that he always helps him become better at sports or school. It makes school better because he knows everyone on a personal level. He is the glue that holds this school and the town together.

Gilbert said if he could tell Long anything during the meeting, he would thank him for everything he has done for the school and that he hopes he comes back soon and that he loves him.

Some of Long's family members hugged each other after the board voted to fire him.

From left to right: Garretson school board member Rachel Hanisch; Garretson school board vice president Kari Flanigan; Garretson school board president Shannon Nordstrom; school board lawyer Rodney Freeman; Garretson school board members Jodi Linneweber and Ryan Longhenry. The board as they sit at a Feb. 24, 2022 meeting.
From left to right: Garretson school board member Rachel Hanisch; Garretson school board vice president Kari Flanigan; Garretson school board president Shannon Nordstrom; school board lawyer Rodney Freeman; Garretson school board members Jodi Linneweber and Ryan Longhenry. The board as they sit at a Feb. 24, 2022 meeting.

Rachel Kindt, a 2020 graduate of Garretson High School, said that Long helped support her in her freshman year and has made a big difference in her life.

Kindt said that his freshman year of basketball, he was playing with the starters and had the worst practice of his life in the office. He put a hand on my shoulder and said it was going to be alright.

Kindt said that the community wants Long to stay around and be involved in the school.

Chris Long, the principal and coach of Garretson, was fired Wednesday evening.

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