Meet Specify is a startup that is creating a common language. It is a central repository for your design assets. Designers can update Figma files and changes will be reflected in the repository.

The seed round was led by Eurazeo. Bpifrance's Digital Venture fund is participating as well. Business angels invested in the company.

When organizations start to get serious about design, they want to create a design system with a unified style for buttons, icons, fonts, logos, colors and more. The login page on Facebook, for instance, looks completely different.

Designers and developers often use a manual process. Designers use design token and assets in Notion to create documentation pages. Developers have to check the documentation and make sure they are using the latest elements.

The image is called "Specify."

It is a central repository for your design assets. You first need to connect with one or several sources.

You can get information and data directly from Figma files. Designers can change something in Figma and it will be reflected in the repository. The single source of truth is specified.

Changes can appear in your application more quickly. There is a command-line interface as well as a pull request when something is updated. Changes can be accepted in a single click. Updating colors, logos, fonts and more is done this way.

It doesn't want to restrict its product to Figma and GitHub. There will be more data sources in the future. Notion will be able to be updated by Specify. It could be useful to push one design change to multiple destinations.

The product vision is clear. The co-founder and CEO of Specify told me that the product is similar to the one used by Segment.

The image is called "Specify."