The Super Bowl stunt netted the company a lot of new users and made them more scrutinized.

It all started with the now-infamous QR code that changed color as it bounced about the screen silently in the ad slot, estimated to have cost 14 million based on known rates for the Super Bowl. Those who scanned the code were taken to the website of the company that promised to give new users a fee of fifteen dollars for signing up.

The simplicity of the ad, especially in the high-budget, gimmick-filled world of Super Bowl ads, rightfully received praise, but when CEO Brian Armstrong tried to claim credit for the idea, things turned decidedly ugly.

He said he had pitched the ideas before the company came up.

If there is a lesson here, it is that constraints breed creativity, and that as a founder you can empower your team to break the rules on marketing, because you aren't trying to impress your peers at AdWeek or wherever.

According to a reply by the CEO of a creative firm called The Martin Agency, the QR code was the work of her team, and she had very specific receipts.

She said that it was inspired by the presentations the agency showed your team on 8 and 10.

That seems to have made him forget. He said that the concept had been thought up by an outside firm. The DVD menu-style concept had actually been suggested by multiple outside agencies, according to the chief marketing officer.

The story doesn't end there because of the scam and incompetence of the world of block chain. The amount of traffic this stunt brought in was too much for the company to handle.

The site appeared to have crashed almost immediately after the QR code graced screens across America. The future of money can't handle a Super Bowl commercial.

You would think with billions of dollars of capital, they would invest in infrastructure to handle the traffic.

It's just another day in the world of a service that can't handle a surge in popularity and a service that can't steal credit.

Don't be Coinbase. Don't crash your site. ComputerWorld

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