Trump slams Biden's 'weak sanctions' on Russia, despite previously suggesting that Russia's past invasions weren't a big deal
Donald Trump
Former President Donald Trump.Sean Rayford/Getty Images
  • Russia ordered additional troops into Ukraine, which was blasted by Trump.

  • There was absolutely no reason for the situation in Ukraine to happen.

  • He has downplayed the Russian occupation of Ukrainian territory.

During his time in office, Donald Trump questioned whether Russian President Vladimir Putin would have ordered additional troops into Ukraine, and criticized President Joe Biden for his initial sanctions.

If properly handled, there was no reason for the situation in Ukraine to continue.

Trump expressed outrage over Russia taking over a country and a massive piece of strategically located land, a stark contrast to his past comments.

Biden ordered sanctions on Russia-backed regions after Putin recognized them as independent states. Biden is set to give a speech to the nation at 1 p.m. on Tuesday.

When asked if he would recognize the annexation of the peninsula by Russia, Trump told reporters "We will see what Russia does." As a presidential candidate in 2016, Trump went so far as to suggest that Ukrainian.

In July of last year, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a formal declaration that the US would not recognize Russia's claim to the peninsula.

According to the Washington Post, Trump had suggested to top US officials that Ukraine was not a real country and that he was more concerned about conspiracy theories about Ukrainian officials hurting his 2016 presidential campaign than he was about Russia's occupation. Ukrainians and Russians have been referred to as one people by Putin, who has suggested that Ukraine is not an actual country.

Trump was impeached by the House for withholding $400 million in congressionally approved military aid from Ukraine as he pressured President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Biden and his son. Zelensky was pressured to investigate a baseless conspiracy theory that the US presidential election was interfered in by Russia.

Biden was one of the top political rivals of Trump at the time. The conflict in the eastern Donbas region has claimed over 13,000 lives and was fought by Russia-backed rebels. US aid has been heavily relied on by Ukraine.

Throughout his presidency, Trump's friendly demeanor toward Putin and his willingness to trust the Russian leader caused criticism in Washington as well as rampant speculation about the nature of their relationship. Concerns about their dynamic were amplified by his decision to not give military aid to Ukraine.

The original article is on Business Insider.

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