The Russian invasion of Ukraine presents a danger to scientific work because of the real possibility of all out warfare.

Ukrainian scientists have long feared that military escalation between Russia and their country would result in lost progress in research. The invasion presents a real threat to the researchers' lives, as well as their science.

I am sitting in a warm place and the internet is available. I don't know if that will be the case tomorrow, according to the mathematician.

Severed Connections

Their fears are valid. Russia took over institutions that were previously run by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The loss of research and scientific progress in a variety of disciplines was caused by the severing of collaboration between Ukrainian and Russian scientists.

Many scientists and researchers have been forced out of their homes and labs due to the recent military escalation in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions of the Ukraine.

The Russian tension is intended to cause chaos in Ukraine and harm the economy.

Many scientists have prepared bags that include documents, clothes, medicine, self defense tools, and food. They have made sure that their phones and electronic devices are powered up in case they have to travel.

All scientists do that.

The invasion of Ukraine is likely to result in death and destruction, but it will also have a profound impact on scientific research in the country. It is marked up aslateral damage, but it is an unnecessary loss caused by the personal interests of Moscow's strongman-in-chief.

Ukrainian scientists fear for their lives and future because of the Russian threat.

Ukrainians are doing military combat drills in Chernobyl.

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