Do you think diseases are bad now? Wait until there is an infectious disease in our world.

Scientists are starting to sound the alarm on the possibility of alien contaminations. NASA and other space organizations aren't doing enough to protect against the possibility of extraterrestrial infections, according to some researchers.

This is a part of the field of invasion science, which explores how organisms on one planet can spread.

There are now concrete plans in place to explore new areas that could have life, and these pose a new set of risks that were not in play before.

He believes that invasion science could be used at the planetary or interplanetary scales.

Contamination Dangers

Invasion scientists say that we run the risk of ruining alien ecosystems with our disgusting germs, and that there is a chance we could accidentally bring back a foreign microorganism.

NASA has strict contamination protocols, but some experts think they're not enough to fully safeguard against that possibility.

The chair of the Committee on Space Research told Giz that they can't afford it.

We have already experienced a type of invasion scenario. A bunch of near-invincible tardigrades hit the lunar surface after an Israeli lunar lander crash in 2019. The creatures are unlikely to cause a huge issue, but they show the real possibility of cross-world contamination.

We are not prepared for Contamination Between Worlds.

Scientists say they are close enough to visit a life-friendly alien planet.

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