StatCounter reports that Microsoft Edge is on the verge of becoming the second most popular desktop browser.

According to the data, Microsoft Edge is used on less than 10 percent of desktops worldwide, a mere 0.1 percent behind Apple's browser. The market has 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 888-349-8884 The fourth place is taken by Mozilla Firefox with 9.18 percent.

In January of 2021, the market share for Safari was 10.38 percent, and it appears that it is gradually losing users to other browsers. Apple is likely to slip to third or fourth place in the near future if the trend continues. The top two desktop browsers, Edge and Chrome, are both based on Chromium.

In North America, Edge has a market share of 11.93 percent, while Safari has a market share of 16.87 percent. Edge has taken more market share in Europe thanSafari has. The data is similar in Asia, where Edge has a 7.46 percent market share.

In second place with a 26.71 percent market share,Safari has a more secure position. Chrome has a market share of 62.06 percent and is the default browser on both the iPad and the iPhone. Even though Edge has been downloaded 10 million times, its mobile presence is relatively small.

Some users have complained about the bugs, user experience, and website compatibility of the browser. Apple's Safari team recently asked for feedback after being accused of being the new IE.

After months of tweaking the ambitious redesign in response to feedback, Apple eventually gave up on the changes just before.