
Russian President Vladimir Putin announced in a combative, hourlong address on Monday that he will recognize the independence of eastern Ukraine.

Putin ordered the Russian military to conduct "peacekeeping operations" in the occupied Ukrainian territories.

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The big picture is that if Russia does not limit its operations to the areas held by the rebels, recognition could quickly evolve into war.

  • Analysts warn that Moscow could use attacks on its troops in eastern Ukraine as a pretext for a broader war.

  • Since independence, the rebels have waged a low-scale war against the Ukrainians with military support from Moscow.

  • The fighting has intensified since Thursday, with the Ukrainians accusing the rebels of shelling across the line of contact.

Western leaders swiftly denounced Putin's move as a violation of international law and Ukrainian sovereignty.

  • Jen Paski, the White House press secretary, said in a statement that the U.S. would not allow investment in the republics if Russia invaded.

  • European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council President CharlesMichel said in a statement that his step is a blatant violation of international law. The Union will take action against those involved in this illegal act.

  • Boris Johnson, the British Prime Minister, said that Putin's move was a very bad sign. It is another sign that things are moving in the wrong direction.

  • Putin used his speech to argue that the West is responsible for the standoff and that Ukraine is not a separate country from Russia.

It is not clear whether the Russian peacekeepers will seek to secure the entire of the area they claim or only the territory they currently hold.

  • At a time when the White House continues to warn of an imminent, large-scale invasion, Putin's latest moves could be seen as a sign that his immediate military focus is on the east of the country.

  • Michael Kofman, an expert on Russia's military capabilities, believes it's more likely the first step in a broader military operation that won't be limited to the Donbas.

Mapbox/OSCE as of Feb. 14, 2022, and Will Chase/Axios as of Feb. 14, 2020.

Russia's state Duma voted last week to ask Putin to recognize the LNR as an independent state.

  • Before Russia's most senior officials took turns making the case for recognition in an extraordinary televised Security Council meeting, the leaders echoed that request.

  • U.S. and Ukrainian officials have dismissed as absurd the claims by the Kremlin that Ukraine is preparing for a military offensive in the east. There are more than 150,000 Russian troops on the borders.

Russia claimed that it had killed five Ukrainians with anti-tank weapons after their vehicles crossed into Russian territory. The head of Russia's intelligence service claimed that a Ukrainian soldier had been captured.

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba called on Russia to stop making fake products.

The Biden administration predicted that Putin would follow a similar path to Russia's.

  • They are choreographed in advance. TV Rain noted that Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu's watch showed a time five hours earlier than the Security Council meeting.

  • Two days before the videos were to be released, they had been recorded.

Biden and Putin are fighting to control the narrative.

The story has been updated with more information from Putin's televised address, Western leaders' reactions and information on the Russian president's decree.

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  • The EU and UK prepare similar moves amid alarm over Russian president's warnings of further action. Vladimir Putin's declaration that Russia will recognise the independence of the regions of eastern Europe that are not part of the EU was welcomed.

  • The White House said on Monday that President Biden would impose sanctions on the two Kremlin-backed regions in Ukraine after Putin said Russia would recognize them as independent. It could be a pretext for a larger Russian invasion.

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  • The head of the Belarusian army said on Monday that the withdrawal of Russian troops from the country would depend on NATO pulling its forces out of the region.

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin told the French and German leaders on Monday that he would sign a decree recognizing the two separate regions of eastern Ukraine as independent. Here is a look at the implications of the crisis, in which the United States says Russia may be poised to invade Ukraine with a force of up to 190,000 troops it has massed near its neighbour's borders. What are the wilderness regions?

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  • Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree officially recognizing two self-proclaimed republics in eastern Ukraine, a move that likely torpedoes European-mediated peace talks and further escalates tensions with the West. Putin orders forces to go into Separatist areas. The Russian government is cautious about the Biden-Putin summit.

  • The United States and Russia are urging their citizens to leave Ukraine. President Biden expects Russia to attack soon in the Ukraine capital.

  • The Luhansk People's Republic is located in eastern Ukraine.

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  • Russian President Vladimir Putin takes no notice of the statements made by Western governments about an imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine, according to Russian state television. When tension is raised to the maximum, for example, on the line of...

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  • The Russian president is determined to revive the former Soviet Union.

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  • While the world continues to watch Russian troops mass and maneuver along Ukraine's vast borders, an obscure group of investigative journalists and military experts are focusing on an ominous sign that has started appearing on military hardware. Many of the people captured on camera have been painted with a white color.

  • The US is ready to respond immediately, according to the White House press secretary.

  • The state of emergency is still needed despite police ending border blockades and the occupation of the nation's capital by truckers and others angry over Canada's COVID-19 restrictions. The police will be able to use emergency powers if the lawmakers vote in favor of it.

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  • Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered troops to the pro-Kremlin regions of Luhansk and Donetsk after declaring that the two parts of Eastern Ukraine should be considered independent states.

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