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According to authorities and a local report, an estimated 300 vehicles are going to take over the city and engage in illegal activities.

The cars entered the city around 9 pm. They stopped at locations where they posed a threat to public safety because of their reckless driving.

He was arrested for driving under the influence and was happy and high.

Multiple cars were seen performing stunts in parking lots throughout the city. In six locations, officers stopped the effort and issued 45 summonses for various offenses before the drivers left after midnight.

The driver, Richard C. Shrever, Jr., was charged with felony eluding of a law enforcement officer, reckless driving and illegal window tint.

According to the station, the group committed a number of other offenses, among them being no proof of insurance, improper exhaust system, and failure to wear a seatbelt.

"Our message is clear and simple, we will not tolerate this activity on the streets ofRichmond and we will strictly enforce the law when it comes to potentially endangering the lives of others," said Gerald Smith, the Chief of Police.

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