The IndependentThe Independent

A clip of Eric Trump calling his father from the stage of a political rally has gone viral because of the former president's lackluster response to being told that he loves him.

Donald Trump's second son called his dad on Friday when he spoke at the ReAwaken America Tour in Canton, Ohio.

Eric spoke on behalf of every single person in the room.

The elder Trump did not reply back, but he did say that he would be in Ohio soon.

The cringeworthy performance and cold response were mocked by users.

One person wrote that this isn't just sad, it's pathetic. Don't make your kids beg for your attention.

The proper response to a son who says "I love you" and I'm going out on a shaky limb is another.

This isn't just sad, it's pathetic.

Parents, make sure your kids know they're loved. Never make your kids beg for your love & attention.

Affirmative, Affirmative, Affirmative, Affirmative, Affirmative, Affirmative, Affirmative, Affirmative, Affirmative, Affirmative, Affirmative, Affirmative, Affirmative, Affirmative, Affirm

It's hard not to feel sorry for Eric and his sons. Am also capable of that and disdain.

Imagine how Eric feels.

The only reason Daddy takes this call is the crowd, according to one user.

Eric has his father listed on his phone as the President of the United States.

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, Lieutenant Gen Michael Flynn, and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell were some of the speakers at the event.

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