She didn't hesitate to stop her show this time in NYC because of the threat from West, and she isn't letting a threat from him change her approach to concerts. The singer asked the crowd to bring down the energy in the room when she took a break at one point. Be asked the people near the front row to step back and give each other room, so that she wouldn't forget about their well-being. It seems like they might have actually appreciated it and sounded more than happy to oblige, based on the reactions we can hear on camera. After she asked if everyone was okay, she started to play her guitar, getting the crowd pumped up again. She did the same thing a few weeks ago in Atlanta when she stopped her concert and offered a fan an asthma medication. She said she likes to make sure her fans are safe at her shows. If she didn't apologize, she would pull out of the festival. She has not apologized and seems determined to make it a thing to chill out and check on fans. It will be interesting to see if other artists follow in the footsteps of the big festivals coming up in the near future. MEGA