The Starlink satellite mission has been delayed due to weather conditions.

The launch of 46 internet satellites that were due to blast off from a Falcon 9 rocket was delayed.

The launch was supposed to take place on Sunday at 11:01 a.m. There is a Space Force Station in Florida. The company said it would be keeping an eye on the weather.

It was moved to Monday at 9:44 a.m. The company said that it was due to recovery weather.

According to the company, the first stage of the Falcon 9 will land in the Atlantic.

The company lost 40 Starlink satellites in a storm.

Jonathan McDowell, a Harvard astronomer, told Insider that this was the biggest loss to date for them.

One satellite burned up in the atmosphere after the incident. There were pieces of a satellite that had broken apart and fireworks that emerged from them.

More than 2,000 Starlink satellites have been launched into space by the company.