Rape, sexual assault victims in California have a new reason to not come forward, as their DNA is being used against them in later criminal investigations. You did not read that wrong.

California crime labs have turned sexual assault evidence into bags of evidence. The revelation is morally wrong and unconstitutional.

The scandal came to light when prosecutors found a report with a DNA sample collected from a woman during a 2016 rape investigation. There was hundreds of pages of evidence in the felony property case against the same victim.

Women reluctant to come forward

There are many reasons why survivors of sexual assault don't file police reports. It is difficult to get victims to consent to a rape kit. After a traumatic event, the physical examination is an intrusive procedure that can cause re-traumatizing.

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San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin spoke out against the San Francisco Police Department's practice of logging DNA evidence from rape kits into their crime database to use as evidence in other crimes.
San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin spoke out against the San Francisco Police Department's practice of logging DNA evidence from rape kits into their crime database to use as evidence in other crimes.

There is a chance of character assassination. During the confirmation hearings for Justice Brett Kavanaugh, we saw this play out on a very public stage. The same thing happened in 1991, when professor Hill accused Justice Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment. Despite the allegations against them, both men were able to pursue their professional ambitions. The reputations of both women were dragged through the mud.

What Bill of Rights?

The District Attorney of San Francisco has come out against the practice. His office revealed that state crime labs attempt to identify crime suspects by searching a database of DNA evidence that contains DNA collected from rape and sexual assault victims.

The Catholic Church has a crisis. Faith is bigger than words. Amen.

The charges against the woman were dropped because they were against her Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure, as well as against the California Constitution. She has a right to privacy.

Specific guarantees in the Bill of Rights have penumbras, formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance. zones of privacy are created by various guarantees.

I support affirmative action even though my race may have played a factor in my college rejections.

Justice Douglas shows that there is an implied right to privacy in the Constitution by referencing the explicit personal protections in the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Ninth Amendments. Surely the constitutional right to be free from self-incrimination in a later crime, regardless of guilt, is encompassed by the right to privacy.

When will change come?

The practice has been exposed. It's good that Boudin came out against it. It is not enough. In one part of the country, we are punishing sexual assault survivors by turning their evidence into evidence for future crimes.

Women's bodies are treated like vessels in Southern states when trying to block abortion care. The Me Too movement has barely scratched the surface of sexism in this country.

Meaning change will take nothing less than a revolution, in the spirit of my favorite Slovenian philosopher, Slavoj Zizek.

Carli Pierson is an attorney, former professor of human rights, writer and member of the Editorial Board of USA TODAY. You can follow her on social media.

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The San Francisco district attorney admitted that rape victims' DNA is really bad.

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